Chapter Thirteen

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"You live here?"I asked Dean as he parked infront of a six storey apartment building.

"Yes, not enough for your spoilt ass?"Dean teased.

"No, it's actually nice. I kind of expected you to live in a tiny shack close to a dumping site."I retorted.

"Ha ha, very funny."Dean retorted getting out of the car.

He came around the passenger's side and opened the door for me.

"Ready?"He asked undoing my seatbelt.

"I can walk Dean. It's a broken nose and ribs not arms and legs."I reasoned.

"The doctor said no strenuous activities. Walking is a strenuous activity so don't argue with me."He demanded.

Dean was still mad at me and I didn't want to piss him off further so I put my arms around his neck and let him carry me out of the car. He bumped the door closed with his hip locking it behind us and proceeded to carry me up the stairs to his floor without breaking a sweat. I would have fan-girled at how strong he was but I was in too much pain.

When we got to his door, Dean was forced to set me down so he could unlock it. As I stood leaning against the railing I couldn't help but wonder which house bordering Dean's was Effie's. Did they fuck at his house or hers or both? I had no reason having such thoughts but I couldn't help myself.

"Welcome."Dean invited stepping aside to let me walk in.

His studio apartment was just one room with a sectioned kitchen and bathroom. I wasn't surprised to see it neat and tidy especially after meeting Dean's mom. There's no way that woman could raise an irresponsible man. It smelled nice too, something fruity with a hint of the cologne Dean always wore. There was bed bed against the wall with an L-couch leaning against it infront of a glass coffee table. A forty inch screen TV sat perched on a white wooden table against the wall. His kitchen was neat and tidy without any dishes in the sink. I couldn't see the bathroom as the door was closed but it didn't seem that big.

Dean knelt at my feet and helped me take off my shoes placing them on the shoe rack by the door. I took a seat on the sofa happy to be off my feet as my ribs were killing me.

Dean filled a glass of water and handed it to me with a couple of the pain meds I was supposed to take without me even asking.

"A girl could get used to this."I grinned taking my meds.

"Do you want to eat or sleep first?"Dean asked me since I'd kept dozing off in the car.

I had refused to eat the hospital food especially when I didn't even want to be there in the first place.

"Sleep please."I requested struggling to stay awake.

"You can't sleep in that."Dean commented walking towards a wooden wardrobe in the corner.

I was in jeans and a hoodie which was already uncomfortable for me.

A second later Dean tossed a black tshirt and a pair of shorts my way.

"Change."He demanded.

He picked out a change of clothes for himself and disappeared into the bathroom. I didn't fail to notice that Dean was in the same clothes we had been hiking in with a couple of buttons missing from his shirt. I couldn't help but wonder where he had been before he came to the hospital. One name floated at the back of my mind making me scowl. Effie.

I quickly changed into the clothes Dean had given me pushing all thoughts of him and Effie out of my head. The outfit swallowed me whole but it was comfortable and smelled like Dean.

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