Chapter Twenty Eight

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Twenty one days to plan a wedding, yeah right, easier said than done. I'd never even been to a wedding so planning one was more than I bargained for. The only upside to the whole situation was that River took the challenge on like a champion. She took charge and with the help of my mom, the wedding was finally coming to shape. Honestly if they'd just give me the date, time and a tux, I'd be there pronto. But I couldn't let River do it all on her own. We were both getting married so we had to put in effort no matter how much none of it appealed to me. Thankfully most of the time I was stuck with running errands which I managed just fine.

"Dean I'm hungry." Leah whined from the passenger seat next to me.

"Me too."

"I could eat."

Jasmine and Dwayne chorused from the backseat.

"You guys ate before we left home."I groaned.

I had no idea why my mom and River had thought it would be a good idea for me to bring my siblings with me. My task for the day was picking up everyone's outfits from the select store my mom and River had chosen. It was a simple pick up so I didn't need the company but now that I thought about it, I'd been stuck with them so they wouldn't bug my mom and River. Those two were clever and I was miserable.

"So? We need nourishment." Leah demanded.

It was futile arguing with them and the faster I gave in, the faster I'd get them to shut up and off my back.

"Okay, what do you want to eat?"I asked them.

"There's a KFC drive through over by the next exit."Leah grinned at me.

"Im not getting you KFC, do you know how expensive it is?"I exclaimed.

"Yes but you're loaded now."Jasmine grinned at me.

"He's not loaded, his wife to be is."Leah reasoned.

"Maybe we should ask River for the KFC money."Dwayne suggested.

"Okay none of that is happening and I don't care if I'm rich now or my fiancée is. You guys were raised better than that, you can't demand something just because you think there's money to throw away now. Fact is there's not, River and I just bought a house and paying for this whole shotgun wedding has not come cheap so there's not a lot of money to throw around. If you want something, you ask nicely and if I can afford it, I'll get it for you and if I can't we settle for a compromise. But I will not stand for you becoming spoilt brats just because you think your big brother is loaded now. Am I clear?" I demanded.


"I said, am I clear?"I asked again more assertively.

"Yes Dean."They all chorused making me nod.

I didn't want my siblings morals or view of the world to change just because they thought I was rich now. I would never allow them to want for anything but at the same time, I drew a line between providing for all their basic needs and giving into their every whim and desire. I hadn't been lying when I said that the house and wedding had cost a significant potion of the money River had brought with her but there was still a huge chunk of it left but my siblings didn't need to know that. River and I had to be careful how we spent the rest of the money.

"There's a chicken Inn close to the store we're going to, how about you guys get that instead?"I suggested.

My siblings previously downed faces cheered up immediately.

"Yes that will work." Leah nodded with a polite smile.

"Good." I said happy we had come to a compromise.

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