Chapter Thirty

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I was officially a married man with the ring, a wife, a certificate and photos to prove it and everything. I was married to a gorgeous princess, with a heart of gold, a killer smile and a body tempting enough to drive any sane man a crazy.

"You know what married couples do on their honeymoon?"I asked River as we lay cuddled together on a sun lounger by the beach.


"They fuck like rabbits on heat."I replied earning myself a smack on the arm.

"What? It's true."I defended.

"Yes but your whole family is here. Seriously Dean is sex the only thing you can think of?" River asked.

"Yes!"I admitted unashamedly."Woman have you seen yourself? Even monks would be willing to give up their faith upon seeing you."I responded spanking her bare ass slightly.

The fact that the only thing River wore while we were at the coast were bikinis and sundresses wasn't doing me any favors. It was hard enough keeping my hands to myself without her looking like sex on a stick all the time.

I loved that River respected my parents but getting cockblocked by your own wife was definitely not fun. Her denial didn't even make sense seeing as we had our own room, the honeymoon suite at that and were alone most of the time. My parents were in their own bubble, having the honeymoon they never had which I was really happy about.

Demi and Dishan were glued to the hip, at least they were having sex, good for them.

Leah was in charge of Jasmine and Dwayne since she was nineteen getting them off our backs but I knew all of them were having fun. Felista hadn't been able to accompany us because of work but she did wish us the best. Everyone was doing their own thing but I still wasn't allowed to fuck my own wife.

"I'm sorry Deanie, we go back home in two days then I'm all yours."She consoled.

"It I had known my own family would be the reason I couldn't fuck my wife, I'd have sent them off to another vacation."I grumbled.

"Dean, I thought you understood. I don't want to fight you about this."River mumbled sounding sad.

I was not about to have my first fight with my wife about sex. I had waited four months, I could wait a little bit more.

"I do understand baby, it's just hard resisting you when you look so sexy."I explained nipping at her earlobe.

"I'm all yours for the rest of our lives. You'll have sex with me until you're tired."River replied.

"Impossible."I scoffed.

"Promise to be patient until we're inland again."She pleaded.

"I promise baby."I assured her.

I loved River enough to wait until she was completely ready no matter how much having blue balls hurt.

Looking on the bright side, I was married to the love of my life and had the rest of our lives together to explore our sex life. I was happy and that's all that mattered.

River and I must have dozed off because next thing I knew we were woken up by someone tickling our feet.

"Dean stop that."River mumbled sleepily trying to kick me away.

"It's not me."I replied feeling someone's fingers at the soles of my feet.

Unfortunately for them I was not ticklish but whatever they were trying to do was irritating as hell. I opened my eyes when River tried kicking them off again but failed.

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