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Kiko's Pov continued:

"Ah, Akabane San... I...We wanted to talk to you." Baji Kun spoke.

I look at them and slightly tilt my head. What's there to talk to me anyway? I think to myself.

"Yah! Sure. What is it?" I enquire.

"Um... We are here to apologize." Matsuno Kun added.

I stare at them with confusion in my eyes. "Apologise? For what?" Baji Kun and Matsuno Kun both stare at each other and then suddenly bow to me. I subconsciously take a step backward at their abrupt action.

They spoke in unison, "Gomen, Akabane San, yesterday, you helped us but we were stupid and we completely forgot about you. We didn't even thank you."
Matsuno then spoke separately, "Especially me... You helped me and even asked if I was ok, But I didn't even reply. Forgive me. I acted like an asshole and I feel extremely guilty about it."

I chuckle at their actions.

They raise their heads slightly hearing me chuckle!
"Ne Baji Kun, Matsuno Kun.... Honestly, I didn't even think about it. I mean, I saw those lame Deliquents trying to ambush you and my conscience wouldn't let me sleep at night if I just ignored the scene in front of me.
So, I did what I thought was right. I don't want someone from my school to get hurt. Also, can you both please stand straight? But really... I appreciate your sincere apology. You both are nice guys.
But Matsuno Kun, I agree with you that you're an asshole."

Matsuno Kun perked up and looked at me with a dumbstruck expression.

"Um... Can you explain why you said that Akabane San?" Baji enquired!

"Oh...A few days back, Matsuno talked rudely to Nagisa ni-san" I sighed and added, "he's a good person and I don't like it when someone hurt hurts close to me."

Matsuno Kun confusedly looked at me and questioned, "Nagisa ni san?"

I understood that my using Nagisa ni-san instead of Shiota Sensei confused them both.
"You know, our homeroom teacher, Shiota Sensei?"

"Oh!" Matsuno Kun clicked his finger with realization.
"I didn't realize you and Shiota Sensei are related. Gomenesa!" Matsuno Kun added.

"Nah... You don't have to apologize to me... Just make sure you don't talk to a Sensei like that ever again.
Also, Shiota Sensei and I aren't related, but we're family. Shiota Sensei and my aniki have been best friends since junior high. So, I consider him as my aniki too."

As if on cue, Nagisa ni-san comes out of the school building.
"Kiko, why aren't you home yet? Isn't it already late? Get home before it gets dark. I'd have walked you home but I need to be at a meeting soon!" After lecturing me, he looks behind me and smiles at both Baji Kun and Matsuno Kun.

"Baji Kun, Matsuno Kun. I hope you're doing great"

Both of them bowed to Nagisa ni-san and greeted him.
Matsuno Kun then stepped forward and started to apologize. "Shiota Sensei, Gomenesai! I'm sorry for talking to you rudely the other day. You only tried to help me but I was being ungrateful. Please forgive me Shiota Sensei."

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