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Third person POV:

The 2 girls arrive and wait outside the Akabane family home, which Kiko say is not at all a home.

Emma knock on the front door and a few moments later the door opens. Kiko smile at her both friends and let them in.
Karma was out with Nagisa. They went to visit their old school.

The girls follow Kiko to her room and they are met with an individual with Platinum coloured hair with an undercut.
The individual was wearing a baggy t hoodie and paired it with a pair of jeans. 

"So.... Emma! Hina!... This is my friend I was talking about.
Senju...why don't you introduce yourself." Kiko pointed towards the two girls.

"Heyo! Kawaragi Senju desu! You're Shinichiro kun's sister Right?" Senju spoke as she took out her hands to shake with Emma.

"And you must be Hina... Heard a lot about you... Thank you so much for taking care of Kiko while I was away!" Senju smiled.

"Ofcourse..... Kiko is after all our best friend.." Hina said with sparkles in her eyes!

"So... Kawaragi San... How do you know my aniki?" Emma questioned Senju

"Oh! Your Aniki and my Aniki are friends. You know Akashi Takeomi?" Senju questioned Emma back.

"Huh! You're Takeomi kun's sister? But you don't have same surname!" Emma was confused.

"That's because Senju here use this Kawaragi as a work surname. But her real name is Akashi Senju..." Kiko explained.

"Ohh!!" Both Emma and Hina said in unison.

" So... You guys can call me Senju.. only Senju. Kiko's friends are my friends." Senju smiled.

"Awesome... Another member of our girl gang!" Hina exclaimed with happiness.

"So.... Let's go ahead and plan the "Date" " Kiko spoke while she emphasized the word date!

"Yah!" All the four girls cracked a devil like smile.

"So... I'm often told that I look like a boy when I'm dressed up like this! Not that I'm fond of it! But should dress like a girl or like a boy for the date?" Senju asked...her cheeks slightly pink.

"Uh! You don't have to dress for my sake! You be real you... We will enjoy the date like a real one." Emma winked at Senju.

Soon the 2 girls bonded with Senju. They decided how they will execute the plan. They decided that Emma and Senju will head off to a café. Then they'll go to a park. Apprantly, Hina and Kiko will drop a little info for making Draken jealous and make Mikey and Draken follow Emma and her date.

Soon... They finished making the plan. Kiko prepared lunch for the girls. Kiko suggested that when she returns Home, Emma make today's day seem like she spent it with her mystery date...
Everyone made her promise that she'll text them how Mikey and Draken react when she said sheet her date and spent the day...!

Everyone was talking, when Senju noticed something.
Kiko's face was turning pale and she wasn't participating in the conversation actively.

Kiko's eyes seemed dull and....

Kiko fainted! Senju catched her before she could hit the ground! Senju quickly laid Kiko on her bed.

"Kiko... Wake up!" The other 3 females started to panic! Emma shook Kiko and Hina got some water and sprinkled on her! Seeing that it didn't help them, Senju pour an entire glass of water on Kiko!

"Uh! What happened?" Kiko opened her eyes and tried to sit up from the impact of the water on her face.

"What happened!? You fainted for the sake of God!" Emma yelled! Tears streaming down her beautiful face.

"Oh! Sorry for worrying you guys! Must be the stress of exams!" Kiko tried to smile at her friends.

"Don't stress yourself too much Kiko! You need to take care!" Hina scolded her in a motherly way.

"Ohk..!!" Kiko spoke.

"Anyways...we should call it a day. Kiko you take some rest and Emma let's meet for our date the next weekend." Senju smiled at Emma.
"Call me if you need anything or if you don't feel alright...ok?" Senju looked at Kiko.

The girl left for their home and Kiko laid down on her bed after waving them goodbye. But something kept bugging her. Kiko noticed that she hasn't been as energetic as she used to be and she gets tired easily. She also noticed bruises forming on her legs and hand even when she didn't get hurt. She also drastically lost weight in the past one month and she keeps getting frequent fever that passes away soon.
She didn't tell anyone about all this but a certain feeling was nagging her.

Kiko picked up her phone and dialed a certain number.
"Hello Auntie Aoi! I'd like to book an appointment." Kiko spoke into the phone.


"Kiko.. I know you're parents aren't with you but you should have brought your brother with you!" Dr. Tanaka Aoi, the family doctor of the Akabane family looked at Kiko with a sad look. She knows how the parents were always absent from the children's lives.

"It's fine Auntie Aoi! I don't want to bother nisan. He's leaving for Yokohama tomorrow. Also.. I'm ready for any news. I already have a certain hunch!" Kiko spoke nonchalantly.

"Hmm! Kiko... I'm afraid it's leukemia! You're cancer is still in it's first, we can still bring you back to full health with proper treatment." Dr. Tanaka said to Kiko, looking at the younger Akabane tenderly.

After the girls left, Kiko contacted Dr. Tankaka Aoi who is a friend of Kiko's mother and their family doctor. Kiko already had a feeling that something is wrong with her. She finally decided on visiting the doctor and check herself out.
Dr. Tanaka ordered a few test after Kiko told her about the symptoms. The test results came and right now, Kiko is sitting in Dr. Tanaka's office. The news didn't shake her that much as she already anticipated such an answer. Although it broke her heart.

"Auntie Aoi... I want to start my treatment as soon as possible.... But please don't let nisan know. Since maa and dad are going to know about the finances, I'll just let them know that I'm sick and I'll be fine soon! They won't ask for further details. " Kiko spoke while looking down at her hands.

"Ok! As the patient wishes!" Dr. Tanaka said with a sigh.

"Arigatou Auntie Aoi. I'll see you in the next appointment." Kiko waved her doctor goodbye and left for home.

"Goodbye nisan.. have a safe journey! See you soon. " Kiko spoke to her brother before he was about to enter the train.

"Bye-bye Kiko! Take care! Text me regularly... I'll come home soon.  Don't cause too much trouble..." Karma smiled at his little sister.

Kiko smiled back but Karma noticed hints of sadness in her eyes. He thought maybe it was because he was leaving.
He felt bad but he had to leave for his job soon!

"Don't worry Kiko... nisan will always have your back and I'll definitely help you find your happiness.." karma hugged his little sister. Kiko hugged him back. Then he broke the hug and turned to go inside the train.

They waved each other goodbye.
Kiko's phone rang.

"Hello! Auntie Aoi.."

"Hello Kiko... Let's meet tomorrow! We will discuss your treatment and diet.." Dr Tanaka said.

"Ok.. see you tomorrow then."

"See you... I'll text you the time."

With that Dr. Tanaka hung up.

"I want to die and I want live! If Only I could choose one!" Kiko whispered to herself.

To be continued...

(A/N: We're at 5K... Thank you to all the lovely people ( ◜‿◝ )♡
You guys are amazing 🥺💜)

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