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Sanzu's POV:

I see that Kiko reunited with my sister! Kiko never knew me but I knew her. I liked her ever since I saw her years ago!
That time, I lived with my grandma... because my parents didn't want me! That's why my siblings' friends never knew about me! They never talked about me! Takeomi never cared about me and Senju was brainwashed that I was a bad influence!

Don't get me wrong! I loved Senju.... And Deep down... I still care about her! I respected Takeomi too...But our parent's destroyed everything.

My parents said I'm the disgrace... To them Senju was the most Precious thing... They thought she's the ultimate plastic and will follow everything they wanted... They thought they could manipulate her!

They tried the same with me...but I was the rebel... The troublemaker..the disgrace!

Takeomi never gave a damn about what our parents did!
He was known and respected as a powerful person. I looked upto him. But... He too never gave a damn about me!
Later... I left home! I realized my "Existence" meant nothing to them!

They don't want a disgrace as their son.
I became a troublemaker in the world's eyes too!
My parents brainwashed Takeomi and Senju! They hated me... Saw me as a threat, that will take away their perfectly groomed doll!

I wanted to make my own identity. I wanted to show the world that I'm not worthless... ! They made me... Primed me into a troublemaker!

They termed me as dangerous when I only tried to meet with my sister! They said I wanted to hurt her...
Takeomi believed them!

The scars on my face... they're from Takeomi!
I remember.... The day... I went to our parents' home. I said I wanted to meet Senju. But they didn't let me meet her! They didn't want a dirty disgrace to touch their precious daughter! The man who I used to call father said that he'd call police on me and send me away in Juvie... Well! As the troublemaker I am... I took the vase nearby and pointed it at my "father". Takeomi witnessed it and got the wrong idea!
"My mother" noticed Takeomi and lied that I was there to hurt their Precious Senju.
Takeomi was stronger than me... Much stronger...
He tackled me to the ground and hit me.. he did everything that could hurt me... And I ended up with the beautiful scars on my face! The scars that reminds me how much I hated my family.
Later on... Both our parents died in a car crash a few years ago.. I say good riddance!
I lost all my respect for Takeomi and I also tried hating Senju but I couldn't!

After the incident back then... I changed my surname! I no longer was a Akashi after that...
Oh! my great parents disowned me too!
I changed my surname to Sanzu. A name well known as the 5th division vice captain of the powerful Toman.
I met Mikey when I was all beat up and hurt. He gave a new life when everybody gave up on me! I swore that day... I'll become the "Loyal Dog" of Sano Manjiro.
I will protect my King!
I then met Kazutora san... He became like a brother to me. The brother I never had! Takeomi is not my brother!

Senju was sent away... Somewhere far from me! I thought about finding her... But I was afraid she saw me as the monster who wanted to hurt her!
If only she knew the truth!

I still care for my sister after all!


Kiko's POV:

It's been a few days since my appointment! The meeting with Sanzu... Do he really trust me? I shake my thoughts.
I'm meeting Ira ne After an eternity today. Moreover... I'm meeting her sister.
This is going to be fun.

I was waiting at the location Ira ne texted me. We're planning on going for shopping and then we will catch up on over lunch.

"Oii! Kiko chan... How have you been?" I hear Ira ne call me.
I turn around to see her.

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