Ch~ 6

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Kiko's POV:

Nisan asked me to leave first with Manjiro Kun. I wonder what nisan wants to talk about with Baji!
My thoughts are interrupted by Manjiro Kun.
"Ne... Kiko chin! How're you feeling now?" He asked me!

"I'm better than before! I'm extremely sorry for troubling you guys earlier! I hope you all can forgive me for my behavior, Manjiro Kun!"

"Don't worry! You were only responding to the situation! I understand! The fear of losing a loved one! If something was to happen to my aniki, Izana, or Emma, I don't know what would have happened to me!" Manjiro Kun said with cold seriousness in his voice!

I am happy that Nisan is safe...

"Kiko chin, can you call me Mikey instead of Manjiro? You know... I love being called Mikey by my friends" Mikey said in a childish tone.

I chuckled. "Sure.... Mikey!"

Almost after 30 minutes, Mikey and I reached my home.
I invited Mikey to my house and started to prepare food for him, nisan, and Baji. I was grateful to all my friends for helping me out! For taking care of me!
After some time, I hear the sound of Baji's Goki...
I ask Mikey to open the door. Nisan and Baji entered the house.

I come out of the kitchen and ask them all to freshen up.
Till the time, they freshened up, food was ready.

We all sit to eat. "Itadakimasu," we all say in unison.
"Homemade food after so long feels so good!" Nisan spoke after taking a few bites.
"Kiko chin! You cook really well!" Mikey chirped in.
"I agree with Mikey!" Baji added!
"Arigatou! I'm really happy that you guys liked the food.." I smiled.

I watch nisan, Mikey and
The table full of people eating and chatting happily fills my heart with warmth. The moment doesn't have to come to an end!

Karma ni looked at me... "Oi, you're spacing out!"
I tilt my head, " no... I'm not!"

"So... Kiko chin... You never tell me about the crush of yours!" Mikey whined.
I choked on my Food and started coughing. Karma nisan started patting my back and Baji poured some water for me.

After the coughing subsided, I glared at Mikey.
"Well! Kiko never said anything about liking someone like me! Onni-san looked at me with his devilish face.
"Mikey! How many times do I have to tell you that I don't have anyone I'm interested in!" I spoke abruptly but then I noticed Baji's face. His eyes glinted with sadness but his face was unreadable! I felt sad. But why?

"Are you sure? Shinichiro Ani says you're in denial! "
"Ugh! Mikey! Can't you eat your food quietly? If I like anyone, I'd simply accept that!"
"Oh!" The three males said in unison.
After the meal. Mikey and Karma went to the living room and Baji offered to help me clean.
" Kiko... Earlier the question that Mikey asked... Do you.." I interrupt him.

"Truth to be told... I am not sure if I like someone or not! But when I figure out my feelings, I'll be honest..."
Baji looked at me as if I said something out of the world.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing.... Let's finish cleaning... Also, Maa says that she wants to meet with you. She wants to thank you for helping me with my studies. My grades are improving a lot and you and Shiota Sensei are to thank for that..." Baji said.

"I only helped you a little. It was all you. Keep studying like this...and you'll get great results. But, yeah... I'd love to meet your Maa..." I smiled and Baji smiled back.

*SNAP* I hear the sound and flashing of light!
I look back and see Nisan and Mikey with phones in their hands. Karma ni had a smiley face like that of Koro ni. Ugh!!

I irked at them

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I irked at them. I was able to take Mikey's phone in a swift movement and put it in my pocket...but snatching from Karma ni went not so...well!

"Neh! Do you want to play dirty? I will show you!" I held a wooden spoon in my hand and charged forward. In a swift movement, the phone was in my hands but soon the phone was snatched back and I noticed that Mikey's phone was in his hands too! I tackle him to the ground and try to grab the phones... But Nisan already flipped me and pushed me to the ground. I noticed the wooden spoon lying on the ground and tried to reach for it. I couldn't reach it and finally gave up!

I sigh in defeat! I don't have the energy to fight with Nisan today! But I won't let him win next time!
"What happened? Is lil sis tired already? Don't tell me you're giving up!" Nisan teased me with his devil face on!

"I won't let you win next time. I promise!" I speak in frustration!
"Eh!!! You think you'll win. You're so adorable lil one!" Nisan added.
"I'm not talking with you anymore" I pout and storm out of the kitchen.
"Oiiii Kiko.... Wait... I was just playing with you... Oii sis..." Karma ni calls me from behind and follows me!

Third-person POV:

Baji and Mikey sweatdropped at the scene that just happened in front of them. "The Akabane siblings can be scary!" They thought.

Mikey and Baji walk out of the kitchen and look at Kiko in the living room and Karma kneeling in front of her, poking her cheeks.

"ui ui ui ui ui... Sis, please talk to me!" Karma looked at Kiko with puppy dog eyes.

Kiko sighed and looked at Karma," ok... Fine!"
Then she took notice of the two boys.
"Gomen! Baji...Mikey! We got a little carried away with our reunion!" Kiko chuckled.

"It's fine... You two can Intimidating!" Mikey spoke.

They all laughed and chatted a bit. Baji and Mikey then waved them goodbye and went home.
Kiko and Karma too decided to take a rest.

Kiko went into her room and cleaned up. And then went to bed... But despite all the tiredness, she couldn't sleep. She kept thinking about a certain Raven-haired boy.

She kept thinking about what her brother and Baji talked about!

She kept asking herself about her feelings. Is there someone she likes.....anyone or precisely-


To be continued...

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