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"Why now?"

A year escaped her eyes...

And another escaped from his...

Fyodor tenderly brushed her cheeks, even though he was high, he was gentle, for a split second, Y/N, Saw her old lover and her heart ached for him...

But something felt off.

"You hate me, don't you? Of course you do! I broke you heart. I was blind enough to realize my feelings for you."
He whispered to her, tears staining his handsome face.


"Shhh" he placed a finger on her lips.
"After this I will never be able to tell you all these things, so, let me.
After you left, I searched for you, but you disappeared. Years later, I heard about a certain mysterious assassin. How they explained her, I was sure, it was you. But again, my ego always made me think you'd find me back.
That day, when I heard you were in Naples, I was reckless. I wanted to let you know about my feelings.
But the look in your eyes, I knew I already lost you."

Fyodor took her knuckles to his lips and gently placed a kiss.

"Now, to confess, I realized the moment that it was you when you entered the hall. But I was reluctant. I knew my brother was playing games, but I already have lost my hope for living. My mother is no more, so is my lover. Y/N, please end this suffering. I could never give you love, but now I can atleast give you my life. Please."

The world started spinning around her. She was completely a chaos.

"Fyodor, you need to take some rest. You're clearly high!"

"No... No... I'm not, I am drunk indeed, but not high. My brother couldn't drug me. I knew he was upto something. And I was not wrong. I give you my life, you're the only woman I ever loved and I still couldn't help but fall for you.
I made a big mistake by letting you go.
Y/N, my love, nothing will change, even if you killed me. I was doomed to death. End this suffering, end me, but promise me that with this, you'll end the hatred for me in your heart."

Y/N sadly smiled at her old lover. She gently placed her lips on his. She kissed him and he kissed her back.

Y/N pulled away and more tear escaped Fyodor's eyes.

Y/N stabbed him in the heart. Blood stained his white shirt, but a satisfactory smile decorated his pale face.

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