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Kiko's POV:

"Senju Chan" I was really excited to hear her voice. I mean we used to be so close... Like besties when we were younger!

Akashi Senju is the younger sister of Akashi Takeomi, one of the founding members of Black Dragons alongside Shinichiro nisan. She's a strong fighter too. We used to face off each other in friendly fight when we were younger to find out who's stronger but our matches always end up in a tie!

 We used to face off each other in friendly fight when we were younger to find out who's stronger but our matches always end up in a tie!

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Akashi Senju AKA Kawaragi Senju

"So... You still remember me! I thought you might have forgotten me!"Senju chan whined.

"I'll never forget my partner in crime. So... I assume that you returned home...right?" I ask her...

"Yeah! I came back a few days ago. I'm sorry for leaving but.... Oii let's meet up tomorrow..that is.. if you're free!" Senju Chan proposed.

"Yeah... We can catch up properly. Where do you want to go?" I asked.

"Umm let's meet up in xxx mall. I heard they've a new clothing store opening. We can go shopping and catch up over food." She suggested.

"Ok... The plan sounds perfect. See ya then..." I say.

"See ya.. Oyasuminesai!"

I smile happily. This day really was amazing.
I remember how I met Senju chan.


"Oi onni-san where are we going? I'm getting hungry!" I whined to Karma nisan.
"We're going to school. How long do you want to stay away from school?" Karma ni spoke as he keeps dragging me!
"Ehhhh! I hate school.... I don't want to go!!" I whined
"You will go to school. don't remember what Koro Sensei asked you?" Karma ni say and I go silent.
"Hmm! I..I..ok... I'll go." I say.

After we reached school, I saw Ira nesan walkimg over to us. Apprantly, she will act as my local guardian as my parents are away.
We walk over to the principal's office and nisan went in with it's nesan while I go wait in the waiting room. I see a boy sitting in the waiting room. I take a seat a few spaces away from him. I noticed that the boy was wearing baggy hoodie and shorts. He had a undercut and he had thick eyelashes.
He looked kinda cute. I decided to talk to him.

"Hii.. I'm Akabane Kiko. What's your name?" I ask him.
He tilts his head and looks at me.

"Kawaragi Senju desu... I'm just transferred here. I assume you're too?" He asked.

"No! I rarely came to school. So,my onni-san and my local guardian is going to talk to him about my reasons for absence!"

"Oh! My aniki is here too. He's in the principal's office to fulfill the formalities. He's he's my legal guardian." The boy spoke.

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