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Kiko's POV

Senju Chan and I started fishing through all the stores.
I swear this girl will buy an entire clothing store but will end up wearing a loose t shirt of her older brother's.
Her excited energy sometimes scares the hell outta me!
And her sweet tooth! Oh! God... She must be Mikey's twin in some other life!

She needs to calm down!!!

After shopping, we choose a nice food place and order some dumplings, pizzas and some other food for our lunch.
While the food arrived, I decided on finally asking her the question that's been bugging me...

"Oii Senju Chan... I wanted to ask you something... And I want you to answer me honestly!" I stare deep into her eyes.
I can feel her stiffen.

"Senju Chan?" I call her.

"Kiko chan... I can't hide from you?" She ask me in a questioning tone as she sadly smile at me.

"You always read me... Even after all those years! Well you know... I don't feel comfortable talking here.. after eating let's go somewhere more private! With less people! Will that be alright?"

I smile at her... "I understand. Let's go to my home. We can talk there."

"Sure! I'm fine with that... It's been a long! How's Karma kun?" She asked.

"He's ok... But a few weeks ago meet with an accidental! You know... He too left home for job! He's he for a few more days and will be returning to Yokohama soon!"  I sigh!

"Oh....." Senju Chan looked down, guilt and sadness evident in her face.

Time skip...

After lunch, We arrive at my house. Senju Chan plop down on my bed and looked around...

"Woah... You really became a minimalist, didn't you? Last te I was here, your room was overcrowded with stuffs. Now, you have barely anything except your essential items!"
Senju Chan spoke.

"Oiii Kiko... Let's drop the honorifics. It's tiring! Call me Senju not Senju chan!" She added.

"Okkiie" I smiled.

"So... Senju. Wanna talk? No pressure or anything!" I look at her with concern.

"Don't give me that face!" Senju chuckled.

"So... You know! The reason I left! It was because of my brother! I had to leave because of 'HIM' " Senju sighed

"What? I don't understand! Why would Takeomi ni want you to leave your home and all?" I spoke out if pure confusion!

"Eh... Not Takeomi.. my other brother... Haru!" Senju looked outside of my window.

"Haru? And how come I know today that you've another brother?" I spoke out.

"Well Haru never considered us as family! He left home at very young age! I mean I cannot blame him completely but..." She trailed off.

"Haru actually became a threat to us at some point! Takeomi was scared that he might do something to hurt me... So, he sent me away! Hiding my whereabouts from everyone! You were the only one who knew a little about my location!" She added.

"Oh....!! So, you found out about your brother?" I asked.
"Yeah! Heard he joined Toman!" She said with bored expression.

"WHAT? why does no one know?" I enquired her.

" Well... It's because no one knew about him. He never considered us He always avoided our friends and everyone. He even changed his family name. Although I did too but it was for.. as Takeomi said...for my safety!"
She answered.

", How will I know which is your brother?" I asked
"Heard you're close with the Toman members! Well... Then you might know him as well.... Sanzu Haruchiyo... You know him I guess!?" She said as she played with her fingers.

"Sanzu? The fifthe division vice captain... he's your brother?"  I felt my Mercury eyes go wide like saucers.

"Yah... Right now! That's not the problem...but the problem is.... A new gang... More of a Yakuza gang is rising. They're trying to Contaminate entire Tokyo with their illegal businesses. I was worried for the people I am close with... After all.. my family lives here... My friends too." Senju kept fiddling her fingers.

"I'm the leader of gang now... A Yakuza gang to be precise. Takeomi is the vice present and Wakasa and Arashi are my special members. To be honest, I wanted Shinichiro with me but he said right now he wants to focus on his family.
I don't blame him tho!" She sigh.

"Honestly, I never wanted to take part in this conflict but... I somehow got involved in it! Which I'm just not satisfied! "
Senju let her body fall into my bed.

She stared at the ceiling and continued speaking " Kiko? Do you think you'll join my gang- Brahman?"

"Senju.... I don't know... I never thought I'd get involved in some gang stuff and that too a Yakuza... No offense but..."I trailed of...

"Nah.. it's fine.. it's always your decision. To be honest... I never wanted to leave you!"

"I understand! You don't have to worry Senju... It's just I missed you a lot! Afterall we we're best friends but now we are united...." I smile at her.

Senju's eyes sparkled and she jumped off my bed.
"You're the best Kiko.... Annyywayyss.. found someone yet?" A little smirk visible on her lips!

"Ugh! You're the worst!" I pout!

"I know... I know... You love me the most!" She tease me.

We both break into a laughter. Not e everyday is perfect but the people around us can make it or ruin it. In today's case, Senju made it! My best partner in crime has returned to Shibuya.
But there's still something bothering me and I don't want to bother Senju!
"Sanzu... What's your story? Why do you hate your family? I really want to reunite the Akashi Family! I can feel Senju wanting a normal family too! After all... I've the same craving always!" I think to myself.

I need to know Sanzu's side of the story. I feel the same desperation again! The desperate feeling of being alone and longing of the family!

What would Koro ni advise me in this moment? I ask myself. But I have no answer to the self asked question!
Sometimes I think...if I was like nisan, like not overthinking about family... Maa, dad, family, friends to the extent I do... Maybe I'd have been happier!

 Maybe I'd have been happier!

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To be continued....

{A/N: (Y/N) Debut soon😌 maybeeeeee.... Maybeeeeee not!!)

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