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Third Person's POV:

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Third Person's POV:

Kiko was taken to the hospital and immediately admitted into the emergency ward.
Irina who was acting as her local guardian filled up the paperwork. Karma was hyper... He was having mixed feelings... Anger, sadness, heartbroken, anxious! Even he didn't understand!

"Why didn't you say anything to me?" Karma roared at Irina.
"You knew that she was in a such condition yet you never thought of telling me once!" Irina was thunderstruck. She didn't knew what to do! She felt guilty but she was only trying to make Kiko happy!
Irina was all too shaken up, that she didn't even bat an eye to what Karma was throwing at her!

"Excuse me! It's not Sissy's fault! Kiko wanted to keep it in between us! So, you better not yell at her!" (Y/N) shielded her sister from Karma's rage.

"Oh! And who the hell are you? My sister is admitted in the hospital... Fighting for her life. This women right here knew yet Why was I not informed of this!" Karma yelled!

"Oh really! Such a great brother you are! According to what I understand, your parents and you yourself were absent from kiko's life! My sis took the role of her guardian... Didn't she?" (Y/N) Raised an eyebrow at him. Arms folded while she gave off an intimidating aura.

Karma too didn't back down! His eyes shining with anger. A thick field of tension enveloped the two. The two stared at each other as if at any second the two would be grabbing each other's neck!

Everyone present there sensed the tension around them. Their intimidating auras combined was unbearable to even the infamous commander of Toman, the former Black Dragon President and the Leader of Brahman! The well known deliquents of Tokyo that were witnessing the scene were way too intimidated by the two adults infront of them.
The bloodlust that the both gave off was something none of them ever experienced except for Irina And Nagisa! They were the only two unfazed by the tension between the two Assassins.

"Karma kun... Calm down. Your sister requested for this. She didn't want to let anyone know. She didn't want anyone to be hurt. She required a local guardian and your Sensei took the role! You must not be angry with her. She was helping her and at the same time respected what your sister needed! If not... Kiko would have considered herself as a burden and may have taken some major step! She's not just a cancer patient but also suffers from trauma!" Dr Tanaka Aoi's voice interupted Karma and Y/N.

"Auntie Aoi!" Karma turned to his mom's old friend and their family doctor.
"What do you mean by major step!" Karma was horrified. He didn't want to think about what she might be trying to imply!

"Kiko is extremely suicidal and has tried to harm herself several times in the past! You Sensei and I've been looking after her... So that she didn't end her life!" Karma was stunned from the revelation. "I guess we need to talk about this properly. Please follow me to my office."

Karma followed her into her office.
Dr Tanaka told more about kiko's mental condition and what she was going through. All the words churned karma's heart and he didn't knew what to do or say anymore.
"Kiko never wanted to talk to anyone about this. She pitied herself! She hated her existence! And now she is already giving up on her life!" Aoi's words numbed Karma.

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