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Kiko's POV

"Why? Kiko Why did you keep distancing yourselves from me? Was it because of him? Sanzu? If you'd have said that you've feelings for him... I'd have let you go Kiko! I'm not that heartless! But.... You lied to me! You gave me false hope and then broke my heart!"
His face was red with anger but his eyes said that he was extremely hurt!

"No... Baji! Listen to me! You're getting the wrong idea!" I tried to calm him down... I took a step forward... Towards him.

But he backed away!
"Please Kiko! Please stay away from me! You think you can play with my feelings and I'd forgive you! You disgust me Kiko!" He spat venom at me!

He got on his bike and drive off!

I felt weak! My legs.... My knees started shaking!
I managed to step inside the house but as soon as I stepped in... I collapsed!

I feel it... The void inside me... Forming into a black hole and sucking the life out of me! The world revolves around me! I try to crawl into my room but I could drag my body only to the living room!

Koro ni? I'm a nuisance! My life is worthless.... My existence is worthless! Why did you make me promise such a thing! Why did you made me promise that I will continue living...
I'm afraid I'll end up being a promise breaker!
The heavy feeling grew in my chest.
My body aching... My head throbbing!

I want to sleep... I'm so tired! I want to sleep for forever!
I curl into a foetus position on the floor.
And slowly... I fall into deep slumber...

Next day:

Baji's POV:

Last night... My overwhelming feelings made me react too much! I maybe right... But atleast I should've tried to listen to her.
I couldn't sleep all night. I thought about confronting her today... But she didn't show upto school!

Did she again go off to visit Sanzu? After school maybe I should visit her! If I don't give her chance.. I might regret it!

The thought of her holding onto Sanzu pierced my heart! The way she was smiling at him... Makes me want to destroy everything!
What is their relationship? Am I overthinking?

But...Sanzu's eyes say otherwise.

"Baji? Did you hear anything from Kiko? I've been trying to contact her since this morning!" Emma's worried voice Interupted me...

"This morning.. I called her multiple times.. but she didn't pick up! I'm scared! I even passed by her house but there was no sign of anyone!" Hina said...

"Even I called her... But she didn't respond! I am worried about her!" Shiota Sensei entered our conversation.
"I came here to ask if anyone heard from her... But seems like everyone is stuck at the same thing!" Shiota Sensei's eyebrows creased and a frown appeared on his face.
"I even called Karma... But it seems like he too didn't hear anything from her...!"

"Let's all head to her house after school!" Draken suggested.

Everyone agreed but I... I was not ready to face her! But at the same time... I'm worried! What must have been the reason?

Kiko's POV:

Earlier, I woke up at around 4 in the morning! My body was aching. My throat was burning. My body had no strength!

I felt like...I couldn't do it anymore...
I called Auntie Aoi... I requested her to help me!
Soon she arrived and helped me reach hospital.

Right now.... I'm in a hospital room.
Auntie Aoi and the oncologist talking about something.
I realised that I left my phone at my house...!
I think about my and Baji's conversation last night!

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