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Baji's POV

The Morning feels so weird! I'm supposed to be the acting bodyguard of a weirdo, who Apprantly is the senior of my dad's!

I'm walking to school with Chifuyu, but I seriously want to skip school and either stay at home eating Peyoung or be with Kiko and study with her.

As I reach the school gate, a shrill voice immediately entered my ears.

"Good Morning... Baji Keisuke! Ready for my school grand tour?" She start walking...more like floating towards me

I mentally face palm myself. Chifuyu look at me with questioning eyes.

"Who's this Baji San?" Chifuyu enquired while whispering to me.

"Huh.. the daughter of my dad's senior. You don't wanna get near her... Trust me!" I whisper back to Fuyu.

"Helllooo there! What's your name? Are you suppose Baji Keisuke's friend?" Why does she keep calling by my full name?

Chifuyu looked taken aback. Surely, the same creepiness I felt yesterday!
"Ah..Ma.. Matsuno Chifuyu desu! And yes! Baji San and I are best friends." Fuyu replied to her.

"Aww... Wanna be my friend too!" She asked and Fuyu nervously chuckled.

"I...ah... umm."

"Ohayo Mina!" Saved by Shiota Sensei.

"Ohayo Gozaimasu Sensei!" I and Chifuyu bow to Shiota Sensei and greet him.
Mercado too greet him.

"Ah... You must be the new foreign exchange student...Mercado Alice san From the next door class right?" He asked her.

"Yes Sir. I am! Please take care of me!" She do a full 90° bow.

"Definitely. It's our duty. You're our student after all. I'll see you later!" He wave us and head inside the school building.

"Soooooooo... Baji Keisuke? Give me your later!" She flash a teeth-y grin and enter the building too.

My mind goes back to last night.
How did I get involved with her!!!


"Ahh... Baji Keisuke! Small world? The weirdo seemed over excited seeing me! Her red eyes sparkling. She sets creeps down my spine.

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