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Kiko's POV:

A few weeks has passed ever since the date and the incident at Baji's home.
Baji didn't say anything to anyone on my request. I don't anyone to worry or know anything at all. But Baji's been extremely careful about me.
Draken and Emma are now dating. I'm happy for them.

My health is kind off deteriorating! My oncologist is also worried as how my health is going down. Auntie Aoi and the oncologist said that I might need to start chemotherapy soon!
I'm scared! I badly want to tell Nisan but at the same time I don't want him to know!

My phone's ringing snapped me out of my thoughts.
It's Ira nesan.
"Hello! Ira ne... How're you?"
"Hey Kiko! I just returned a few days ago. Actually, my sister came with me too this time. Wanna hang out?"
"Sure! Would love to meet her."
"Ok then.. let's meet soon... See ya!"
"Ok...see ya... Text me the time and place."

I hang up the phone. It's been so long since I met her. Finally she is back.

I see that it's time for me to get to hospital. God! It's so tiring.

Third Person POV:

Hina was out with Takemichi when she saw Kiko. She wanted to call to her best friend but noticed that her actions were weird.
"Takemichi Kun.. do you see that! Kiko is acting weird!" Hina asked her boyfriend.
"Huh! I don't know!" Takemichi replied.

"I'm sure something is wrong! Let's follow her!" Hina dragged Takemichi.
They followed Kiko until they saw her rush into a certain hospital.

"Takemichi Kun... I'm really worried!"  Hina looked towards the entrance with a frown.
They followed her from a distance until they lost her in the hospital lobby.

"Shoot! We lost her!" Hina spoke in an annoyed tone.

"Hina! We all noticed that Kiko doesn't seem well the past few weeks. I think she's hiding something! She's extremely defensive about herself when anyone asks her about her health. She even fainted a few times when she was around us." Takemichi looked at Hina. Worry evident in his voice for his friend.

"Hmm! You're right! Let's talk with Emma and the others." Hina suggested.

Baji's POV:

"And so... We ended up following her but she disappeared in the lobby!" Hina spoke. My heart racing. I am scared of something. My mind curious... what must be the case!?
Should I confront her?

"Baji San?" Chifuyu's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.
"You ok?"

"Hmm!" I humed in response.

"Actually guys! I didn't give it a thought early, but I too noticed Kiko visit the pharmacy a few times." Chifuyu looked spoke as he looked at others.

We are currently at Takemichi's house. He called us saying he have something important to talk about! Now, me, Chifuyu, Mikey, Draken, Emma and Hina- we are here discussing about Kiko.

"Guys! I'm sorry I'm late. I was at a meeting. I rushed here as  soon as possible!" A white haired Boy in a certain gang uniform entered the living room!

"Senju Chin!" Mikey hugged the boy? Clinging to him like a koala. The boy sat beside Hina.

"Mikey! I will buy you any sweet you want but can you stop clinging to me for God's sake!" He spoke.

"Who are you? Why is a Brahman member here?" Chifuyu asked him... Realizing the uniform he is wearing of the rumoured gang "Brahman's"!

"Oh! Sorry... This is Kawaragi Senju. She is the leader of Brahman. She is kiko's childhood best friend and we're good friends too."  Mikey said.

"How's Brahman's leader and you become good friends and she? You mean she is a girl! The rumoured Yakuza Gang's leader is a girl?"  I spoke out. Shoot she is glaring at me!

"Why? You got any problem having a girl as the leader of gang?" Senju said, still glaring.

"No! No! I'm sorry... I didn't mean that." I apologised to her.

"Hmm! That's fine."  Her expression changed to a bored one.
"So... What is it? You called me so much urgency Hina!? Is everything alright?"

"Senju... I'm afraid Kiko is hiding something from us! She is constantly getting sick and today I saw her going to a hospital!" Hina spoke to her.

Senju's eyes grew wide and worry was evident on her face!
"That girl! We need to find the truth!" She was genuinely worried!

"I'm with you Kawaragi San!" I spoke.

"Just Senju is fine. And I'm glad that you are with me! You are Baji Keisuke right?" She looked at me. This time her eyes were tender.

"Hai! Baji Keisuke.. 1st division captain of Tokyo Manji Gang. And Senju...nice to meet you!" I said.

Chifuyu too introduced himself to Senju. In the end we all decided that we will find the truth behind what is happening with Kiko!

Kiko's POV:

Finally done with my appointment. I feel really tired but I decided not to go home! It feels extremely empty.
I roam around near the Shibuya Crossing. I feel hungry.
So... I decided to buy something.

"Hey! Kiko Chan..." I hear a familiar voice.
I turn around to see the long blonde haired Akashi.

"Sanzu Kun... Good to see you! How're you?" I ask him

"I'm good! You seem weak! Are you ill?" He asked me.

"No! I'm fine!"  I say as I pick some snacks.

A thought crossed my mind-
I should try and gain Sanzu's trust. This way I can help unite the Akashi Family.

I walk over to the cashier and pay for the food I bought.
"Sanzu... Let's eat together!" I offered him.

"Hmm! I meaning to talk with you for a while too... So let's go... I know a good place!" Sanzu suggested.

I follow him and we reach his bike.
"We will take my bike. Here take this helmet!" Sanzu gave me a spare helmet and help me with it. He too wore his helmet.
He started the bike and I hop behind him.
Soon we reach a warehouse like area.

We walk in and find a comfortable spot. I open the bag of snacks. We both start munching on the food.

"So.... What do you want to talk about Sanzu?" I ask him.

"I... I'm aware you know my family secret!" Sanzu spoke in a low tone. "Usually... I don't trust people easily...but I trust you Kiko chan... So, I've a request... Please don't tell anyone what you know?" He said. What he just said took me aback... I gulped and nodded at him.

"I will keep your trust and tell no one Sanzu... Don't worry but... Sanzu?"

"Hmm! Yes Kiko?"

"Why do you say you've no Siblings... Why do you hate your family?" I ask him.

" I'll tell you someday but... No today!" He say. "Kiko? What's happening with you?" Sanzu looked at me with worry!

"I.. I don't want to talk about it now! I'll tell you some other day! Let's enjoy the food now." I smiled at him.
He return the smile from below his mask.

We make small talk and talk about our likes and dislikes.
The guy seems nice.
Later he drop me infront of my home and wave me goodbye.
I whisper to myself:
"I will definitely unite you with you family Sanzu!"

To be continued...

I know the chapter ain't that interesting. Sorry about that🥺

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