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Kiko's POV:

It's dark! Where am I? "Hello! Anybody's here? Where am I ?" I ask... My voices echoes throughout the space.
"Hello.....!!!" I speak again! I tried moving but my legs are frozen is one place! What's happening?

"Nuruhehehehehe! Kiko Chan! I wanted to see you find your happiness! Kiko Chan why didn't you stop them from killing me?" Koro ni spoke! But how?

"Neh Kiko! Why do you always keep bugging me! I've my own life you know! I hate it that you're always trying to contact me even when I don't want to talk with you! I cannot always looking after you... Please understand that I need to leave you!"  I hear karma ni spoke... Does he really wants me out of his life!

" You always keep crying! You don't have any self respect do you? You're lame and weak! No one's gonna love someone like you!" Is that Baji! He hates me too! I messed up!

"Stop!! Stop for God's sake! If you hate me then leave! I don't need anyone... I... I'm better off alone.... I already fucking hate myself. It's better I kill myself!" I scream.

"Kiko....Kiko...wake up!" Who's voice is that?
"Kiko what happened?" I woke up to see a worried nisan sitting beside me on my bed.
"I..." I feel tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Hey! Did you have a nightmare? You were screaming! Calm down lil one... I'm here!" Nisan tenderly spoke. He offered me some water and hugged me.

It was a nightmare... But what if what I saw in the nightmare is actually what people think about me!?
Koro ni died and I couldn't do anything to save him!
Karma ni stayed by my side. Soon, admist my thoughts, I felt asleep.

Next morning:

I woke up pretty tired! I did have a horrible dream last night... So... It's understandable!
I decided to stay home and not go out. I'm glad it's a Sunday! I decided on inviting my friends over for dinner. I mean I want to thank them properly. So...

I texted Emma, Hina, Baji, Mikey, Chifuyu, Takemichi Kun, Draken Kun, Mitsuya Kun, Kazutora Kun, Izana ni, Shinichiro ni, Nagisa ni and invited them for dinner.
They all agreed and I'm so glad they did!

After a few hours, they all arrived. Nisan, Nagisa ni, Shinichiro ni and Izana ni started chatting.  While the others involved themselves in either some tea or games.

I quickly prepare snacks for them and took them to the living room. Baji came over to me and helped me. This man... Why is he so nice?
Does he really hate me? Was what I saw in my dreams just a dream? I don't want him to hate me!

I was sitting with everyone... Happily chatting when I heard the doorbell ring.
"Coming!" I say and open the door. There stood the beautiful black-brown haired girl. Haven't met her in person for so long.... I instantly hug her... To the world she is the famous actress, Mase Haruna.... But to us... She is

Kayano Kaede.

Yukimura AkariCommonly called by friends:  Kayano KaedeStage name: Mase HarunaAge :23

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Yukimura Akari
Commonly called by friends:  Kayano Kaede
Stage name: Mase Haruna
Age :23

"Kiko Chan... How're you?" She smile at me sweetly.
"Kaede Nesan... It's been so long...! Please come in." I speak..
"Oiii onni-san.... Look who's here." I shout..

Kaede Nesan followed me to the Living room.

"Hey! Karma kun... I'm so sorry... I couldn't visit you in the hospital. How're you now?... Hey! Na... Nagisa Kun... I didn't realise you were here!" Kaede Nesan spoke while blushing. Then, she looked at all the other faces in the room, that were watching her like a hawk watching it's prey!

I noticed everyone except nisan and Nagisa ni staring at Kaede nesan with dumbstruck expression. Then, it clicked...they are seeing the actress Mase Haruna infront of them. I chuckled.

"Hey guys...this is Kaede nesan. You guys must know her by the name, Made Haruna..."

"Nesan...these are my friends." I introduced all of them one by one to Kaede nesan. While some took selfies, other asked her questions. Everyone was excited about meeting.

The house today feels like home. Warm, with people's voices echoing, enjoying... The cold house feels cozy and warm. Not only the house but my heart too.... My heart too feels full and warm!

I look at everyone. Is this how family feels like? Will I ever have Maa and Dad come home and stay a little longer. The four of us all having dinner together. Maa and Dad telling us their adventures around the world.
Wouldn't that be amazing? But maybe it'll just remain a dream! The void.... will it never heal completely! Sometimes, while all alone... I feel like I'm going I'll end up loosing my humanity!
I sometimes also have the urge of Killing myself.
But the promise I made to Koro ni restrict me from taking such a step!

"Kiko Chan... I know the emptiness in your heart sometimes will make you feel like ending your life... But please promise me... You'll live a beautiful life and find your happiness!

I sigh and turn back to finish the dinner preparations.

Just before leaving the living room... I noticed something...
Kaede ne keeps glancing at Nagisa ni... Guess, she still likes Nagisa ni!
As much as I want her to confess to him.. I also ship nisan and Nagisa ni...

Well... Every girl has someone for their brothers in their minds... Right?

I asked nesan to join us for dinner... And she accepted my invitation happily.
We all had great time.
Later on, the girls helped me with the cleaning. They were discussing certain things like crush, relationship and all...
After dinner and some games and fun...
Everyone decided on calling it a night... After they left, I went into my room to take a shower and prepare for bed.

I was about to head to the bathroom when....
Suddenly...I heard my phone ringing.
I see an unknown number.
Seriously tho! Unknown numbers scares me after nisan's accident!

I picked up the phone...

"Hello! Who's this?" I speak
"Hey Kiko-chan! Remember me?" An excited voice spoke from the other side.
After a few moments of silence...
My eyes sparkled in recognition.
I almost scream into my phone happily.

"Senju Chan"

To be continued...

(A/N: Next chapter will be on how Senju and Kiko know each other... And how Karma and Shinichiro are aquinted.. )

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