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Kiko's POV:

I open my eyes slowly. The light is blinding.
But when it cleared out, familiar white ceiling came into view. A strong smell of hospital disinfectant attacked my olfactory sensors and I immediately felt nauseous!
When did I come here tho? Flashes of the previous day came into my mind. I was in the E Class Hill with everyone then.... I felt dizzy, my heart started paining and throat was burning. Before everything went black, I remember coughing blood!

"Ughh! I feel like throwing up!" I speak out loud while trying to sit up.
"Kiko... you're awake!!" A familiar yet hoarse voice suddenly made my soul jump out of my body!

"Huh! I... Baji!" I looked at him. His eyes were teary and then my eyes moved to my hands that were being held by him.
I didn't react to that.

"Why!! Why didn't you tell me anything!? Baji was looking at me in my eyes. His lips slightly trembling.

What does he mean!? Did he know? Feeling of uneasiness twisted my guts!

" know?" I retracted my hands from his hold and sat them on my lap.

"Yes! You shouldn't have lied to us Kiko! You mean a lot to us.... To me....!!" He shifted himself from the chair to my bed. He cupped my face in his hands and adjusted in a way that we're looking at each other directly now!

"I... I'm sorry!" I closed my eyes. I couldn't face him! I can't look at him or Nisan or anyone! Does everyone else know too?
The sudden question to myself horrified me! I felt my body trembling with.... Fear? I didn't understand!

"Hey! Hey! Calm down! I'm here!"
A sense of calmness washed over me when I felt him engulfing me into a hug. I hid my fave in his chest and my nose welcomed his scent.

"Baji! Can you forgive me? I told you to leave me... I knew you'd only get hurt! I hurt you right? You can still leave me and move on... Please!"

"Shut up! You think you can escape me! You can not get rid of me that easily!" He's so warm and nice... I feel the feeling of home in him.

"Kiko?God! You're awake!" I hear Nagisa ni enter the room. Baji broke the hug when he heard his voice. I looked at the doorway of the room.
Nagisa ni entered the room and he was being followed by Onni-san, Ira ne, (y/n) ne and Auntie Baji.

I only looked at them for a few moments but soon I closed my eyes and lowered my head. I don't have the strength.

I sensed onni-san coming close to me! I peeked at him!
Baji stood up from my bed and In place onni-san sat down.
"Idiot! What were you thinking?" Nisan flicked my forehead.. I looked at him straight.
Soon he crushed me in a tight hug.
"You think you're brother will be happy if you hide from him! You think you can leave your onni-san all alone in this world?" I felt guilty!

"Nisan... Gomen!" I can only apologise to them! I hold onto nisan tightly.

"Ira ne! (Y/N) nesan!" I look at the two assassins and smile at them.
"Did I worry you too much! I'm such a nuisance! I'm sorry!"
Ira be looked sad! (Y/N) nesan has a poker face but I grew up with Akabane Karma... I know poker faces that hide emotions too well! I only smile at her.

"Nagisa ni! Auntie!... I'm really sorry for creating too much trouble!" I apologized.

They were silent but only nodded indicating that everything's fine...

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