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Kiko's POV:

Hmm! Today's the day! I'm waiting for the paperwork to be done and I'm finally free from here for a while... I mean I still have to come back often for check ups and all, but it's better... I can finally enjoy the confort if my own room!

Keisuke was here with me a few moments ago but now he left to bring me some strawberry milk. I was craving some this morning!

"Kiko... The paperwork's all done and now you're free to go. Mom and nisan came into my room with smiling faces.

"Are all your stuffs packed lil one?" Nisan asked.

"Yup.. wait a few minutes. Keisuke went out to buy something. We can leave once he comes!" I said.

"Don't worry.. I'm already here!" Keisuke popped his head from the door of the room behind Nisan. "Here's your strawberry milk." He hand me the bag full of strawberry milk packs.

"Great... let's leave together." I said with excitement.

"Mom... Kiko will go home with keisuke on his bike and you'll come with me. Will that be fine?" Mom nodded at nisan's words. They trust Keisuke. They've seen how much he cares about me and all his friends. He's not a guy you can dislike once you know him well. Ofcourse... He would commit arson if he is hungry.... But... That's fine!

So... Mom leave with nisan and I get on behind keisuke on his bike.

"Hey... Keisuke!" I hold onto him as he starts starts driving his bike. "I've so much to apologise to you! For hurting you... For creating distance among us... I almost ruined everything in between us! I'm glad you didn't let me go..."

"Hmm! I have to apologise to you too! That night... It wasn't right if me to hurt you that way... I'm so stupid that I didn't even apologized to you before... I'm sorry for those words I said to you. I should've given you a chance to speak... I'm so stupid.
Sanzu told me everything that happened. That's when I realized how much of a mistake I did... I'm sorry Kiko!"

"That's fine... Misunderstandings happen!" I say.

The ride wasn't a long one. Keisuke dropped me infront of my house.

"Aren't you coming in...?" I asked him.

"I wish! But there's an important Toman gathering tonight! Mikey called for an admin meeting before that. I'm going over to Mikey's place now." He said.

"Oh! Stay safe ok!?"

"Ok... Call me if you need anything.. see ya!"

"See ya..." And he left the place.

My phone alerted that I've a text message.


You got released?


So... Can we go grab lunch together tomorrow?

Sure... Great idea!

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