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Baji's POV:

When Kiko entered that old building, her eyes sparkled! She seemed like she was in her element. Her aura completely changed. There was a certain glow in her eyes.

"Tadaima! Koro ni..." I heard her say softly to no one.
She then took out a heavy book and signaled me to come closer to her. She shared stories of her childhood and a few memories. I sensed a desperation in her when she was telling me about the memories... She was excited but desperate too. But soon...she started stammering and I noticed that tears started streaming down her face. She started crying... A lot!

I know there's something more to her. If something is hurting her, I want to help her unhurt!

I don't know why, but I want to understand her and be by her side! Maybe, it's because of our friendship!?
I mean I'll do anything for Mikey, Kazutora, Draken, Mitsuya, Pah Chin, Chifuyu and Toman! Maybe, it's the same thing that makes me want to protect her. But then... why does this feeling feel foreign yet familiar?

I subconsciously scoop her in my arms. I let her cry. I promise to be by her side. She cried for somewhat a long time.
After she calmed down, she apologized for crying. But she has nothing to apologise. I feel like she was bottling up for a long time now...
After reassuring her, we went into the garden and we ate the food we bought.
Afterwards, we made our way back to home... But something made my heart race... When she wrapped her hands around my waist and lay her head on my back.
She is precious to me. I want to protect her at all cost...

Even if my life is on the line!

Kiko's POV:

It's been a few weeks since our trip to the E-class. I'm feeling better. Baji and I are closer now... Good friends to be precise. I feel really comfortable when he's around.
Baji would always ask me to join him for rides! And I would also help him with his studies...

Chifuyu joined Toman as Baji's vice captain.
Manjiro Kun is always inviting us to Toman gatherings. Funny that Manjiro Kun took interest in Hanagaki Kun. He would drag Hanagaki Kun around him. Apprantly, he says that he feels like Hanagaki Kun is quite similar to Shinichiro nisan.

Onni-san hasn't visited me in a long but atleast he's regularly contacting me.

Moreover, Ira Nesan contacted me and said that she'll be back in the country soon. She went on a mission in Russia. I am waiting for her return. I love talking with her. She's got some amazing things to tell. Especially, the ones about the beautiful places and the new people,- good and bad- she met!

Anyway, the Sano Family invited me for dinner with them today. It's been a long since I met the Izana nisan and Shinichiro nisan... I decided to get a little something for the family.

I was standing in front of the Sano house. I pressed the bell and waited... Moments later, a black haired man opened the door
"Konnichiwa! Shinichiro nisan, thanks for having me today..." I greeted....The eldest of the Sano siblings, Sano Shinichiro, the founder and the 1st generation president of the once imfamous Black Dragons. The man is almost the same age as Karma ni.

 The man is almost the same age as Karma ni

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Sano Shinichiro

He looks at me and smiles, "Konnichiwa! Kiko Chan... It's been so long... We really missed you. Now, come inside. Emma's been waiting for you."

I entered the house and follow Shinichiro nisan to the living room. Manjiro kun was their sitting on the couch alongside Izana nisan...Sano Izana is the 2nd of the Sano Siblings. Izana nisan was adopted into the family, as he was the adopted child of Emma's mother. After Emma's mother left Emma with her half brothers, Shinichiro nisan investigated and found out about Izana nisan. Later, Izana nisan became a part of the family.
Izana nisan inherited Black Dragon from Shinichiro nisan. But later, with Shinichiro nisan's permission he disbanded Black Dragons.

 But later, with Shinichiro nisan's permission he disbanded Black Dragons

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Sano Izana
Age: 18

(A/N:Since, Izana is adopted into the family, so, he no longer uses the surname Kurokawa.)

Shinichiro nisan is the hero of the 3 younger Sanos. They are a sweet family. I... I feel happy and sad at the same time. This type of warmth doesn't exist in my house.
As someone said "A house is not always a home."

I was deep in my thoughts again....when....

"Kiko-Chinnnnnnnn" Manjiro kun noticed me and jumped up from the couch and again Clinged to me like a Koala!
I mean, I don't mind his antics... He's a fun person but I might someday break a bone or two because of Manjiro Kun. I chuckle. "Good to see you Manjiro Kun. I got Doryakis for you." There we go... Manjiro kun's eyes sparkled like glitter. He's literally a 5 year old!

"Oi Manjiro, Stop clinging to Kiko Chan!" The orchid eyed Sano spoke and walked towards me. "How're you little devil? We missed you! You just stopped visiting us." Izana nisan pout.

"I'm good, Iza nisan. Sorry for not visiting! I was a little occupied in the past few months!" I replied.
Izana nisan look at me for a few seconds and then engulfed me in a bear hug.
Izana nisan somehow understand the pain I'm in... He had the same feeling of desperation too... But at last, he found the family he always wished for.

Maybe... One day I'll find mine too... Maybe, I'll fill my empty heart too... Just like koro ni said....

Izana nisan let go off me and said, "you're a family to us too. Don't overthink about it."  I look at him. It's as if he read my mind.

"Kiko.... No one told me that you arrived!" Emma pouted.
"Yah! I just came in." I reply.
Emma drags me away from her two brothers and takes me to her room.
She closed the door and smirked at me.
"Sooooooo..... Miss Akabane! Care to tell me what's going on in between you and Baji?"
I feel heat rising in my cheeks and ears. The butterflies in my stomach is doing Tango!
"Wha....what do you mean, Emma? Baji and I are just friends! We only have known each other for a month or so..."
I Am stuttering!?... Why am I stuttering?
"Eh... Kiko, I have eyes you know. I can see how you guys look at each other or how you two are always in your element around each other! Don't fool me" Emma smirked.
This girl... And people say that I'm the devil!
"Honestly Emma, he is a good friend. We're comfortable around each other. And also... I help him with studies! That's what's going in between us!" I say.
"You like him, don't you?" Emma said.
"EHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! KIKO CHIN LIKES SOMEONE?" Manjiro kun screamed! Wait! Manjiro? But Emma closed the door. When did he come here?
"Reaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyyyy?????? Kiko chin you know you can tell me. Emma and I can play matchmaker for you, yk."

"Thanks Manjiro kun but I'm fine. I don't have anyone I like."

"Huh!! If you say so..."

"You really need a lesson on privacy Mikey!" And with that Emma drags Manjiro Kun out of her room, leaving me alone.

I question myself..."Do I like someone?" An image of Baji flashes in my mind and I felt sudden racing of my heartbeat. No way, I can like him. It's just a effect of Emma and Manjiro kun's sudden enquiring session!
Or.... Do I?

To be continued...

A/N: Thanks to all of you who gave this book a try. I'm really grateful 🥺✨ love y'all! I hope y'all like it!
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