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Kiko's POV:

The Day was well spent with the Sano family. Emma and Manjiro kun kept on asking me if I like someone or if I'm interested in someone. I can't tell them if I like someone or not... I mean I don't want anyone to know how I feel until I'm sure about my feelings. After dinner, Me, Emma, Manjiro kun, Izana nisan and Shinichiro nisan- we all sat in the living room. I glanced at the clock... It's almost 7 pm.

I nudge Emma, "Emma I think I'll leave now. It's almost 7.....I'm really grateful that you guys invited me!"

Before Emma could say anything, Manjiro Kun spoke, "Stay a little longer. I'll drop you home." 

"Yeah! Manjiro is right. Moreover you should visit us more Kiko Chan." Shinichiro nisan added.

"Ok... I'll surely visit you guys whenever I get time." I smile.

"Ofcourse! And that time surely will arrive after a century, right?" Izana nisan sarcastically said.
I pouted," I will visit. I promise."
"We will see to it... Little devil." Izana nisan pinched my cheeks and we all laugh.

"Ne Kiko chin.... So....that crush of yours... Who is it?" Manjiro Kun mischievously spoke.
The older two Sano's look at me.

"You like someone little devil?" Iza nisan enquired.

"Honestly! No... I don't think I'm interested in anyone but Emma and Manjiro kun is assuming I have someone I like!"
I let out a sigh.

Shinichiro nisan looked at me and said, "If Kiko Chan says she doesn't like anyone, then I think either she is telling the truth or is oblivious to her own feelings!"

"Ooooooooo" Emma and Manjiro kun sang in unison.

Manjiro kun was about to open his mouth when my phone rang. A call from an unknown number.

"Moshi! moshi! Who's this?" I speak.
"Mochi Mochi! Is this Miss Akabane I'm talking to? Akabane Karma's sister?" The lady of the other side of the phone speak.
"Yes! Who are you? And Is everything alright." I speak. My guts are twisting. I don't feel good!
"I'm from "xxx" hospital in Yokohama. Your brother is currently admitted here. He was hit by a car while trying to save someone." The lady spoke.
My head started spinning. Is someone pranking me. Onni-sama... He can't be!
"Hello! Miss Akabane... Are you there?" I couldn't speak anymore. Words were lost. The world is spinning and then everything went dark...

"Kiko... Kiko.... Wake up" I felt cool water touch my skin and hear someone calling out my name. I lazily try to open my eyes and soon blinded by sharp light. Few moments later, after adjusting to the light, I see Emma looking at me with concern.

"Kiko chin.. are you ok?" Manjiro kun was looking at me with worry.

"Soon... I realized I was at the Sano Residence when.... My heart sinks... Panic starts to rise in my body. I feel nauseating. Onni-san... He's in a hospital. How is he!? Is he alright. I need to go...!

"Emma.....onni-san..." My voice started to hitch. Tears are threatening to fall.
"We know... Shinichiro nisan talked with the lady after you fainted.
"Emma I want to see him. I need to go." I state with pure panic.
"Wait, we will go with you too. We're not letting you go alone!" Shinichiro nisan said.
"I want to leave now! Onni-san... I want to see him." I try to contain my sobbing.
Izana nisan hugs me tightly and speak... "Everything will be alright. We're here. Karma san Will be alright. Trust me. "

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