Family antics.

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" Where home!"

No ones POV:
It was about 11:00 am

They where hanging up there jackets and taking off there shoes until Alley came running out the back room like a maniac. Her hair was in a messy bun, she had grey sweats and a white tank top on.

" Guys hurry up! There here!" She whispered yelled and the rest of her sibling came trailing behind her.

" Hey my little babies." Ellen said as they all gave her a group hug.

" Mom where really sorry about your car." Austin said with a muffled voice.

" Yeah were really sorry. And if you wanna take us to the adoption center we totally get it."Allyssa said laying her head in Ellen's neck. Aiden pulled back and raised his eye brow.

" Umm whos we? I'm sorry ,but I'm too handsome to get put up for adoption." Everyone laughed and giggled before Ellen started talking.

" What! no! We love you guys,and whatever you guys do we're always going to love you No matter what stupid shit you guys try to pull. Your our kids, my mini Me's." She cooed as she hugged them tighter.

They pulled back and made there way to the kitchen. " so no adoption center, right?" Aiden asked sitting at the counter island.

Ellen chuckled and grabbed a water bottle out the fridge. " Maybe in the future,but as I right now your good." Aiden rolled his eyes playfully and went back on his phone.

" So we made you guys brunch, we'll I did they just complained while they cleaned the house." Alley stated. She took out two plates and started to heat them up.

"Wow, you really out did yourselves." Ellen said drinking some of her water. Pat just laughed a little and said. " Y'all must really feel bad." Alley rolled her eyes.

" Cant we just do something nice for our parents without it having a catch." Ellen and Pat looked at each other and started to laugh. Alley paused for a minute. "Yeah, your right we where Kinda scared of what mom was gonna do when you guys got home so we thought cleaning the house would make you less mad." Alley explained. They all laughed.

Allyssa took out the plates and handed them to Pat and Eli. " So how was your trip? What did you do?" Eli and Pat have looked at each other in a bit of panic. All they really did was have sex,cuddle, go to different restaurants and beaches,and they came back and had sex again. But I guess they'll have to think of some family friendly things they did. If that was possible.

" I-We didn't really do much, Uhh we explored parts of the city and tried out some new foods!" She exclaimed.she picked up her orange juice glass and took a sip.

" So in other words you had sex most of the time"Aiden laughed. She chocked know her juice a little before her eyes went wide.

" See he gets it!" Pat leaned over the counter and gave his middle child a high-five.

Ellen just rolled her eyes as the rest of the kids went on with there day.

12:45 pm
Ellen's POV:

Caiden has been sleep for awhile now and didn't get to see me and Pat  when we came home. I  took a quick shower and wrapped myself in a robe. I left the room and went into Caiden's, he was laying across the bed with the covers hanging off of him.damn he slept just like his father.

I went over to his bed and climbed next to him, I played with his honey blonde hair and whispered in his ear.

" Baby, it's time to wake up." I caressed  his cheek and whispered again. " Baby's wake up time." He moved a little bit,but stayed asleep. But he definitely is a heavy sleeper just like me. When I sleep through Patrick trying to wake me up, he normally kisses my lips and neck over and over again until I wake up. It always works,and when it doesn't he kisses other places that are better
unsaid.😏 Anyways, I get a great idea and start kissing his cheek over and over again. He started squirming. He sat up rubbing his eyes and then suddenly stops.

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