Family dinner

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" Honey could you come up here for a sec?" Ellen yelled as she got dressed. The family was coming over soon so they can all leave together  to go to the restaurant tonight. She wasn't planning on getting too dressed up but she still wanted to look nice.

Pat was downstairs on the couch laying with Alyssa. They were catching up on a few episodes of " are you the one?" Because the last few days have been busy between Ellen being sick and work, it was just too much. Anyways, Alyssa was laying down snuggled in pats side with a blanket on top of the both of them. They were comfortable.

" Why does mom always have to call u at the worst times" alyssa groans in his chest." I know,I know, but I'll be quick just give me a second." He got up and went to find Ellen.

" Make this snappy, we're on the last episode of this season and I don't wanna miss anything." She rolled her eyes " I was calling to tell you that the family's on there way. ." She walked up slowly and got inches away from his face "Oh,and to do this" she kisses him nice and slowly.

There faces was still inches away from each other
" Mhm, I like we're this is going" he slowly turned them around and walked them into the wall.He kissed her again before she pulled away. " Nice try...not gonna happen" she pokes his nose and opened the door to go downstairs.

He groans and follows behind her. " Why are they coming so early? It's only 4:45?" He said as they walked down the stairs.

"Patrick. The reservations are set for 7:00, the restaurant is 20 minutes away." She grabbed a banana and sat at the kitchen island.

" Ok? That doesn't mean they can't come at like 5 or something"

She roles her eyes. " there coming over now, plus me Jen, Lina, and the girls are getting ready together" she squealed.

He roles his eyes and smirked " Oh so that's the real reason why there coming early." He laughed a little while checking his phone.

" We'll are my parents coming early too or?"

" No,  mom and dad will be here at 6:00-6:15"She got up and wrapped her hands around  his waist and laid her head on his chest. He placed his hands on her lower back and inhaled her scent.

" I only have you to myself for a few minutes before they take you right now your mine" he picks her up and throws her over his shoulder and brings her to the living room.

" Put me down! Put me down! Patrick Galen Dempsey!" She giggled hitting his back repeatedly.

He gently placed her on the floor and laid on top of her and he kissed her repeatedly, making her giggle and squeal.

" Oh my gosh. You to are like teenagers or something. Can you keep it down? I'm trying to watch something here." Alyssa complained.

Ellen groaned " Mhm, someone's moody"

alyssa just ignored her and pressed play on the show, and the three  of them continued watching ' are you the one' until the family arrived.

After awhile alley joined them in the living room and got comfortable. Minutes later they heard  a knock at the door. " Where here!!!" Jen says through the door.

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