Christman morning

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Derek's POV:

We were all down stairs  gathered around the tree, the kids were all on the floor while the adults where laying and sitting on the couches.

" Alright my bellissimi nipotini, where going to open me and nonno's gifts first." My mother says as my dad comes in with a Big bin on wheels with presents in them.

" Oh god, where never getting through all these presents before the party starts." I through my head back and laugh to myself. Well I was laughing until I feel a whack against my stomach. Oh of course, it's my loving wife.

She kisses me. " Pat, be cheerful, it's Christmas." I smile and look down at her lips. " yes Mahm." I kiss her again.

Let the present opening and gift exchanging Begin.

No One's POV:

After all the kids and cousins and adults opened all there gifts it was breakfast time. Everyone sat at the dinner table whilst Ellen,  pat and his sisters put the food in the middle of the table.

" So son, when will the guest be arriving ?" His dad asked after sipping some of his water.

Patrick  leaned back in his chair and whipped his mouth. " We'll dad it's about... 9:15" right now." Pat said looking at his watch. " the guest will be here at 3:10." 

Pats mom Amanda smiled. " Oh lovely, that's plenty of time"
Ellen's POV-

" Yes, Sandra will be here early tho." I  mentioned clearing my  throat. I didn't tell Patrick about  this so I was waiting for his dramatic response my  husband usually does.

Pat sighed and then rolled his eyes. " Elli... We did not discuss this."  Sassy much. " I wanted some alone time with you before everything  started." He said forgetting the audience around him.

" Pat she's not gonna be here in 20 minutes idiot."

He leaned on the table. " So how early we talking?"

" About  2:30 ."  I said. My goodness,  I do sometimes genuinely wonder how my  husband  is an adult

We began to eat as a family whilst we laughed and made small talk." So, How did you all enjoy ur Christmas?" Lina asked.

" Good, I'm just glad Austin didn't give me another mug with a picture of his face on it." Alyssa said  as she rolled  her eyes.

" for your information people love my face mugs."

Alyssa shook her head slowly. " I'm sure those 'people' are your imaginary hoes."

" There not imaginary dumb ass."

" whatever u say ass whole." The two siblings bickered back n fourth across the table before Ellen had enough.

I tried to hide my laugher before giving them both the mom look. " Hey, enough."

Amanda seemed to be  amused on how she seen that I developed the mom stare. " I see you got  the ' look' down pack huh Ele."

" Yeah I started using it a lot after this one was born." I said pointing at my first born, Austin."  I said taking  a bite of her food.

Austin chewed his food and raised his eye brows at me. " Um what's that supposed to me."

" Oh it means u where a curious kid, who loved to do things u shouldn't have." I laughed.

" Ah yes, I used to use the same method on your  husband and the girls back when they were kids. Worked every time." Amanda reminisced.

" That's funny because it still worked on Pat, till this day." The we both  laughed while  everyone else quietly chats and begins  to get up and clear the table.

I dry my hands from doing the dishes and then decided it's time to start getting ready for the party. " Alright, the party starts in 3 hours, I think it's safe to say it's time for everyone to get ready."

Lina nods, " Yes great idea, we don't want to be getting ready whilst caters start arriving." She agrees.

With that everyone went there separate ways  to get all done up for the special day. Amanda and William sat in the living room discussion until the rest of the family was ready.

Ok so don't be angry with me, Iv been obsessed over my other book but I have an idea for the next chapter. Yes it'll be abt the party but there will be a vibrational spin on it 😉. See if u can figure out what that means.

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