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"Ugh, finally where here!" Aidan groaned in the back seat of the car.

Patrick checked his phone and said. " Aiden could you call Allyssa for me and ask her if they've arrived?"

" Isn't your phone in ur hand dad?"

" I'm checking something, so call your sister"

Aiden rolled his eyes and called his sister.

Alley- "what"

Aiden- "Dad asked if you guys arrived yet."

Alley- "yeah grandma parked behind this green's near the side of the place. Mom told her to park near the entrance but then grandma went on and on about how she's old and needs to get back in shape." She giggled a little.

Aiden-"of course, okay I'll tell him"

Alley- "get the fuck off my phone now"

Aiden- " My pleasure asswhole"

He chuckled a little and hung up the phone.

Pats dad turned around slightly " So what did she say kiddo"

" She said there near the side of the place because grandma didn't want to park near the entrance because she needs to get in shape..or something like that"

Willam just giggled and bit and turned forewords again as pat drove to the side of the restaurant.


Pat parked his black range rover next to his mothers white sedan and laughed. His mother seemed to park on an angle.

" Dad, you still didn't seem to teach mom how to park yet huh?" Pat laughed. Unbuckling his seat belt.

His father opened the door and snickered. " I did actually...your mother just isn't...let's just say ' a fast learner'." The two men laughed as Austen and Aiden hopped out.

Everyone got out of there cars and began to walk into the restaurant.

" Hi, I made a reservation for 7:00 pm yesterday evening" Ellen said to the lady at the front.she looked a bit stunned to be talking to Ellen Pompeo and her family but she had to keep it professional.

" Oh yes, right this way please" she lead them to there table and gave  them their menus.

The waitress had the biggest smile on her face as she talked to them.  " Just let me know if you need anything"

" alrighty we'll let you know thank you!" Ellen said giving her a nice smile. And with that the waitress left the table...leaving the family of 12 to discuss where they wanted to vacate too.


" I think we should go to Italy, they have the most amazing wine, and the best hotels" pat suggested while resting his hand on Ellen's inner thigh.

Aiden sighed and said " No dad, that's so boring, all you and mom are gonna do is go to wine tastings, stay in ur hotel room all day kissing and doing whatever old people do and then go to some fancy dinner after."

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