Christmas eve...after dark

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Once they finished cleaning after the live, it was time for the kids to go to sleep... well at least stay in there rooms.

No one's POV :

" M-mommy I don't wants to go to shleep" Caiden said messing up his words. " A-and  I wanna shleep with you and daddy but you guys are nots going to shleeps yet, No fair." He whined. He rubbed his eyes and yawned.

Ellen washed her hands and sighed. " baby, it's night night time.Before you know it, it'll be Christmas and time to open up the gifts Santa gave you." She said drying her hands. " Come on let's go night night."

" No! Not fair mommy! No fair!" He started to cry and he tilted his head up. Ellen sighed and picked him up. " Yup, someone's tired." He continued to cry and she carried him up stairs. " Baby stop crying, big boys don't cry." She said eventually disappearing in the distance.

" dramatic just like his father."Lina laughed as she helped clean off the table. The kids helped clean the rest of the kitchen before they all headed to bed, leaving the adults to finish wrapping the gifts.

It was 10:45 and all the adults were gathered around on the carpet wrapping gift and making conversation.

" Ugh, how the fuck are u so perfect at wrapping Ele." Jen muttered while slamming the wrapping paper against the floor.

Pat laughed " Your just a little dumbfounded, that's all."

" Pat your on thin ice, I swear." Jen squinted her eyes and rose her eye brows.They all laughed a little.

" So does anyone know what time mom and dad will arrive here in the morning?"

" Supposedly there coming around 7:00 or 7:30 am." Ellen said wrapping her second to last gift.

Pat finished up his pile and began to clean up his wrapping area. " Why so early?" He said sounding a bit astonished.

" Oh come on,You know how mom is Pat. She's very excited on Christmas, almost like Buddy from the film 'Elf '."Mike said mumbling due to the tape in his mouth. They laughed at the amusing joke as they all started to finish up with there last few gifts.

" We'll if buddy the elf and the Grinch are gonna be here bright and early, someone gonna have to make a Starbucks run so I can get my morning coffee."

Pat rolled his eyes as he gathered all the unused wrapping paper and brought them to the closet.
" Honey we already have a coffee in the kitchen, why do you need to go to Starbucks ?" He questioned.

" Starbucks coffee is just so much better, and home coffee is boring, old man." Ellen said putting some of her gifts under the tree.

Lina started to put her gifts under the tree too . " She has a point there, I do have a thing for morning coffee." She agreed. All three of the men didn't understand there wives desire for Starbucks, to them it was just another coffee shop that made the same old coffee with stupid overused names that were overpriced.

" Your waisting your money buying the same coffee with cool names" Pat said as they all made there way to the kitchen.

Mike grabbed a banana out the fruit basketball and leaned against the counter. " Exactly, your basically paying for the name and color of the drink."

" Just for them to spell your name wrong." Chris added.

All three of the man were not to fawned  about the Starbucks idea for some odd reason, and they weren't afraid to show it.

" Pat say another word and you'll be sleeping in the tub." Ellen said pouring three glasses of wine for her and the girls.

Lina sat down at the island and grabbed her cup. " Chris if you keep it up you won't be sleeping with me tonight, you'll be on the counter while I be in the big comfortable guest bed."

Before any of the men could say anything Jen jumped in.

" And don't think your off the hook either Mike, you can sleep under the tree." The three woman raised there eye brow and drank there wine.

Pat furrowed his eye brows. " You wouldn't do that to us on Christmas." He said with slight hesitation.

" Try me."  They all said. The men just rolled there eyes and they all laughed. they talked for a little while longer before they decided to head to bed.

Ellen and Pat had just hopped fresh out of the  shower and we're now getting ready for bed.

Ellen body was shining...her hair was damp...and her face was freshly washed...she's never felt better, or looked better according to Patrick.

"Do you think Lina will try to seduce Chris tonight?" Ellen asked moisturizing her body and giggling a little.

Pat slipped on his boxers and raised his eye brow. " Uh not sure if I necessarily care, but I sure hope not...I'm not changing those sheets in the morning."

" I wouldn't put it past them, they have been eyeing each other all night." She slipped her underwear on and through  on her burgundy silk pajamas and got into bed. " She'll probably be to tired to wake up for the holiday tomorrow." She laughed.

Pat slipped next to her and sighed. " Could we just go to sleep honey."He kissed her cheek and big spooning her. Eli immediately relaxed in his touch and hugged his arm that he wrapped around her body. She felt safe, comfortable and very lucky to have someone like Pat in her life. She smiled and moved back to get in a better position.

" I love you." She said.

He smiled against her neck. " I love you most."



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