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"So you are fluent at Korean and english both?" The beautiful man asked

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"So you are fluent at Korean and english both?" The beautiful man asked.

"Yes, I am. " I said still staring at him.

I was so stunned by his beautiful facial features while answering the questions he asked me.


After few questions and answers the interview finally reached to an end.

"I like your qualifications and resume. " The man said.

"Thanks sir. " I said.

"Okay, you can join from tomorrow at the place of my assistant's assistant. " He said and pulled his hand out to handshake with mine one.

"Thank you so much sir." I said smiling.

"I'm Kim seokjin eldest son of Mr. Kim, and your boss from now on." He said smiling and walked out of the cabin.

"Kim Seokjin"

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"Kim Seokjin". I mumbled the name again and smiled like an idiot on the thought of starting my new journey of life.

I went out of the office and went to my home again.


I've started working at Kim enterprises for a week now. Days are spending pretty well there. Everyone is nice to me.

Right now it's around 9 in the morning. I'm going to the company. Just when my phone buzzed.

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HER  LADY LUCK'S FATHER.... 💜. A PJM FF. JIMIN× READERWhere stories live. Discover now