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My deep sleep broke the moment I realised someone's footsteps in the room. I opened my eyes and saw Soo-Jin sleeping peacefully. She has fracture she can't even walk properly. So who's there other than both of us. Jimin left hours ago to home so who it could be. I looked up and saw Jimin there on the couch...

Never really wanting to talk to him but still my curiosity rose and I asked him

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Never really wanting to talk to him but still my curiosity rose and I asked him. After all living with Jimin from so many days has made me a stubborn ass who doesn't even budge after any of his behavior towards me. I'm habitual to it, as I'm habitual to live around Jimin's coldness. Because his warmth was all Sarah had, and i can't even experience a bit of it.

"Why you're here?" I asked him tucking Soo-Jin under covers and turning over to him.

He lifted his face up as he was scrolling his phone. His face was dull even more than the last time i saw him. Nose and cheeks were burning red due to the extreme outside and his eyes.... Those eyes had something else in them. Maybe he cried.... But why is he so worried about Soo-Jin, I know she's my lady luck, and she will be alright in some days. She's so strong.

If it was that cold, then why you're here?

"Nothing actually..... I- I was not able sleep." Jimin said stuttering.

He's behaving weird today why is he stuttering this much. I didn't replied him anything and went to the washroom. I don't want any more drama for today now please Jimin stay away from me as far as you can, maybe just shift to some island or something because your presence is getting on my nerves now.

I came back and saw Jimin standing there in front of the bed. He was walking back and forth while I just stared at him and was about to walk back to the bed when I felt Jimin's hands cold hands wrapped around my wrist.

Jimin, back away please.

I looked at him and he was shivering badly due to the cold and his eyes were red. His face was sparkling under the dim yellow night light of the room. O looked at his quivering pink plump eyes and still the taste of those lips lingered over me like a drug. Suddenly backing a little away from him I started looking at the floor.I was avoiding any kind of eye contact with him when he tucked strands of my messy hairs behind my ears. Giving me a jolt of electricity all over my body.

"Can we talk?  I can't sleep with you being mad at me." Jimin whispered in my ears we were so close this moment that I can even feel his minty breath over my face.

"...." I didn't replied to him at all.

"Y/n.... I'm sorry." Jimin said pressing his palms against my hands.

"Jimin, I don't want to even look at you right now. Please leave me." I said fighting my tears back from my eyes.

"Y/n..please." Jimin mumbled against my ears as his one hand reached my lips and he rubbed the corner of it.

HER  LADY LUCK'S FATHER.... 💜. A PJM FF. JIMIN× READERWhere stories live. Discover now