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Me and Soo-jin are having a great time together it's been around 20-25 minutes she came in the room

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Me and Soo-jin are having a great time together it's been around 20-25 minutes she came in the room.

"Y/n come downstairs baby." Mom yelled from the stairs.

"Okay mumma coming." I said.

"Let's go baby..." I said to Soo-jin and took my in my arms.

I went down stairs and saw Mrs. and Mr. Park there.

"Hello Mrs. And Mr. Park." I bowed in respect in front of them.

I shifted my gaze to see two men sitting together. I was only expecting the one on right side. The man who came to get Soo-jin on the bus stop and the man who works at my office according to him. But who's the other one. This is the same rude guy from yesterday.

I was looking at both of them confused af just when

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I was looking at both of them confused af just when.

"Hello y/n. This is Kim Taehyung best friend of your future husband jimin and your boss Kim Seokjin's younger brother." The boxy smiled man said whom I was thinking as Mr. Park Soo-jin's dad for so long now.

I was in a total shock at this stupid thought of mine

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I was in a total shock at this stupid thought of mine. That this man never told me by himself his name, the thing that he is Soo-jin's dad. I just assumed the things by myself . And end up getting more hurt.

HER  LADY LUCK'S FATHER.... 💜. A PJM FF. JIMIN× READERWhere stories live. Discover now