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What a mannerless, arrogant girl I thought to myself and backed off my car to make way for her. After sometime she left.

Soo-jin and aera are also here now.

"Hello baby, you enjoyed being here?" I asked soo-jin.

"Yes, da-da, also I met y/n unnie here. She's so good." She said.

"Who's that Aera?" I asked Aera.

"The girl that called you the other day Mr. Park, when soo-jin was missing." She said.

"Okay." I said and we drove home safely.


I entered the home and there was pin drop silence in the whole house. It was new for me , I never experienced this much silence in my home anytime. My mother and father both can be found bickering 24×7 even over a smallest topic.

I entered living area and saw both of them sitting on the couch with their heads down and they were in deep thoughts of something

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I entered living area and saw both of them sitting on the couch with their heads down and they were in deep thoughts of something.

"What happened guys?" I asked.

"Y/n, baby everything is gone now." My mum said and started crying.

"What happened mom, tell me please I'm getting scared now." I said and wiped her tears.

"Hard work of my whole life has resulted in this." My dad said in a tensed tone.

"What happened?" I asked again.

"Company, dad's company was under so much debts and now the lender is asking a huge amount of money charging high interest on it." Mom said sobbing.

"What?" I said shockingly.

"Who's the lender dad?" I asked tilting my head towards dad.

"Mr. Park." My dad said.

"What in an earth made you think dad that you can repay the debts of THE PARK'S?" I said.

"I'm sorry both of you that I was not able to give you all the things a father and a husband gives to other women. I'm such a big disappointment for this whole world. I'm sorry." My dad said crying.

It really felt bad seeing my dad in this vulnerable state. I'm so worried about my mum and dad's health now. I just started working now. I didn't even have a small amount of savings to help them In this time. What should I do? I don't even know by myself.

"Dad don't say things like these. Whatever you have given us is more than enough for both of us. It has made us the independent woman that we are." I said as a tear rolled down my eyes.

"We'll surely figure something out." I said.

But what can we do was still a big question to me?

HER  LADY LUCK'S FATHER.... 💜. A PJM FF. JIMIN× READERWhere stories live. Discover now