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I went to the lawn and Soo-Jin was nowhere to be found. I looked around everywhere but Soo-Jin was not even able to walk these days how can she move from the ground. I checked every single corner of lawn then went to the main entrance of our house to the security. There I saw both of our security guards lying on the floor in an unconscious state.

"Where is Soo-Jin how you both are here like this?" I asked waking them up.

They both got conscious after minutes.

"Mam we don't know anything where Soo-Jin baby is. We were here doing our job like usual when someone came from behind and injected a syringe on our neck. Which made us unconscious in seconds." One of them said.

I straightly went inside the room. Tears has already started making my vision blur but I don't have time for any of these things right now. I need to find Soo-Jin. I walked inside the room and asked Aera about her. She also didn't know anything. I then decided to call Jimin.

"Hello Jimin." I cried .

"What happened y/n why you're crying?" He asked in a worried tone.

"Jimin! Soo-Jin.... Soo-Jin." I said and sat on my knees on the floor.

I was not able to answer anything when Aera took the phone from my hands and told Jimin everything. I was crying so bad when after 20 minutes Jimin came in the home.

I hugged Jimin, he hugged me back and made me calm.

"Jimin I was not going anywhere Soo-Jin was insisting me so much that she wants to talk to you. So I went inside to take my phone and the moment I came back I didn't found her anywhere." I said crying my heart out.

"Shh.. Y/n please don't cry we'll find her. And there's no need to explain I know you didn't have done that if you have a single idea about what will happen." Jimin said cupping my cheeks and kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry." I said still sobbing.

He then called the cops and told everything about Soo-Jin's kidnap. I'm so tensed that Soo-Jin is not even able to walk right now how can she'll be able to survive at a stranger's place?


It's 11 in the night all the cops of the city are trying to find Soo-Jin but we've not even got a single clue about her. The CCTV footage of the camera outside the our house has been deleted very cleverly by the kidnapper . My eyes are left with no more tears to cry. Jimin is not showing it right now but I know he's suffering the most in between this. I'm constantly cursing myself for leaving Soo-Jin alone in the lawn.


Three days have passed and I haven't seen my lady luck. I didn't even had a single bite of food since she left. Jimin is all around meeting the cops. Right now it's 12 in the night I'm in my room lying like a soul less being when Jimin came.

"Jimin did you all found some clue?" I asked him.

Jimin didn't replied and sat on the bed. I stood up and walked towards him.

"Jimin" I called him again.

Just then he wrapped his hands around my waist and rested his head on my bosom as I was standing in front of him.

"Y/n I don't know what to do. All of them are trying their best to find Soo-Jin but where she is? We don't even have a single idea that is she alright or not?" Jimin said in a very low and sad tone crying a bit.

HER  LADY LUCK'S FATHER.... 💜. A PJM FF. JIMIN× READERWhere stories live. Discover now