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I woke with the sound of my alarm but soon realised that I'm unable to move as someone is hugging me so tightly at my back. I'm feeling a very hot sensation at my back too as the person who's holding me has snuggled his head at my back. I bet this can't be Soo-Jin , she slept in her room last night and moreover she's not that much strong to strangle me this way. I turned to face Jimin sleeping peacefully his hands were still resting on my waist . I smiled looking at his puffy eyes and the thought of him being this much closer to me. I slowly moved his hands from me to get out of his embrace and went to the washroom.


It's 9 in the morning now. I've dropped Soo-Jin to her school and Jimin would have been taken a bath till now. So I'm taking his coffee to our room.

I went to my room and saw Jimin in the balcony of the room . I went towards him and gave him the coffee. I turned around to go back when I felt his hands on my wrist. I looked at him.

"Be here for sometime. I'm just leaving for work after this." Jimin said and pulled my hand to made me sit on the chair.

We sat there , Jimin didn't said anything but was just sipping the coffee.

"Y/n if you get bore here. You can join the company from any moment you want. We'll keep the timings flexible for you." Jimin said looking at me.

"No, I'm okay here." I said fiddling my fingers.

Jimin held my hands and pressed them by his palms.

"Don't worry about Soo-Jin we'll take care of her together." He said.

"No, it's fine now. I'll surely let you know when I feel like doing work." I said.

He hummed in response and went in the room to get ready for his work.


It's night time now. I've fed Soo-Jin her dinner. She's asleep now. But I'm waiting for Jimin to come. He's not here and it's 10 in the night now. I called but Taehyung picked the call and even his voice was not clear due to the poor network connections. I was in my room when the door bell of the home rang.

I went downstairs and opened the door. My eyes widened seeing the next thing. I saw Taehyung supporting a drunk Jimin who's legs are even wobbling and he's babbling so many things.....

"Y/n he's drunk badly." Taehyung said and kept Jimin on the couch.

"But how? He was at his company in the evening we last talked." I asked in a worried tone.

"I don't know. He called me at a club and he was in this state there." Taehyung said.

"Thank you so much Taehyung for bringing him here." I said.

"It's okay." Taehyung said and gave me a boxy smile.

"Okay bye now. Take care of him." Taehyung said and left the home.

I hummed in response and locked the door .

My eyes then landed onto Jimin. He kept his legs with shoes on the head of the couch and laid himself on it.

"Jimin what's this behavior?" I said irritatedly.

"Wifey.... You're still awake." Jimin said giggling.

"Jimin.... Why God why always me?" I groaned irritatedly.

"Let's go upstairs." I said and pulled Jimin with hid hands.

We're now in the room. Jimin is not listening to anything of mine. He's not even going to take a bath.

"Jimin take a bath now." I said.

HER  LADY LUCK'S FATHER.... 💜. A PJM FF. JIMIN× READERWhere stories live. Discover now