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We're at a huge expensive mall right now

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We're at a huge expensive mall right now. Not lying this is my first time being at a this much expensive mall. All i am allowed to do here is Jimin's assistant has already picked out so many dresses , I am going to the changing room wearing the dress. Coming outside and if jimin is liking that dress . Then the dress is finalised to purchase.

I'm wearing a beautiful red dress now. I'm liking it so much. I went to jimin.

"No this is not nice, kate show something else." Jimin said looking at me in the mirror as he's facing my back right now.

And on his one order kate went to the dresses area to find something else for me.

"No I'm liking it so much. It's beautiful." I said.

"No you're not wearing it." Jimin said.

"Why? It's pretty." I said again.

Jimin came to back and kinda back hugged me. My heart started hammering against my chest why is he doing that? My face went flush red the moment I saw him this much close to me.

"Coz my wifey doesn't know how to wear dresses properly. And i can't handle any kind of disgrace to my reputation." Jimin said and his hand travelled to my bare skin of my back.

His cold fingers touched the hot skin of mine giving me goosebumps. He zipped up my dress. I could see his smirk in the mirror which is in front of me. But when did that happened I didn't saw that this dress has a zip at the back. I thought it was backless.

Jimin left the place after zipping up the dress. I was standing totally flustered there when my heart melted seeing Soo-Jin in the same red drees as I was wearing.

"Mumma see, Dad chose it for me to wear for tonight party." Soo-Jin said and hugged my kness.

"My baby you look so beautiful." I said and kissed her.

I looked up to see Jimin looking at both of us.

"Y/n wear this dress you both will be twinning tonight." Jimin said smiling.

I liked this gesture of him. This man is not that bad I guess. I've thought so much bad things about him. And if I will look at his bright and good side it will be easy for me to live with him.

"Okay" I said smiling.


We're back from the shopping. It's now evening time. I'm going to make Soo-Jin ready then I'll be getting ready after her.

I'm in her room. She's so excited for this party. Aera told me that Jimin never took her to any parties because of the thing that everyone will ask Soo-Jin that where is her mother or questions like that.

"Mumma I'll wear the shoes I wore at your wedding." Soo-Jin said excitedly.

"Okay" I said making her wear the dress.

HER  LADY LUCK'S FATHER.... 💜. A PJM FF. JIMIN× READERWhere stories live. Discover now