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We're at the home now

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We're at the home now. I laid Soo-jin in her room. Now I'm in my room. I've changed my clothes but sleep is nowhere to be found in my eyes. Jimin is also here doing some work on his laptop.

"Jimin I'm going to the terrace, I'll be here after sometime." I said and went upstairs.

The cool breeze and the full moon in the sky is calming all my senses and making me feel so peaceful. I was enjoying my view when I heard someone's footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw Jimin with two mugs of coffee. He was smiling looking at me.

"There you go." Jimin said giving me a mug of coffee.

He stood beside me and was also looking at the view just as I was. There was fading sound of vehicles running on the road. The citylights were shining like stars in the galaxy. And Jimin's cologne in this beautiful view was adding a cherry on the top of the cake.

"Why you're up this late , by the way?" Jimin broke the silence

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"Why you're up this late , by the way?" Jimin broke the silence.

"I don't feel like sleeping that's why." I said taking sip from my coffee.

He hummed in response.

"The moon looks so peaceful." Jimin said looking at the moon above us.

I hummed to him as a response.

I kept my one hand on the railing when Jimin's hands slowly moved towards my hand and kep his hand on mine one. My whole body started getting goosebumps under his hot touch.

I looked up at him in a confused look.

"Y/n have you forgave me for all the things I did to you past days?" Jimin asked with his crescent moon eyes looking into mine one.

"Yes I've and Why are you asking this all of a sudden does my forgiveness even matter to you?" I said.

"Yes it has started mattering me. And thank you for forgiving me." He said.

"I don't keep grudges in my heart, it just makes your heart heavy with a lot of pain." I said.

"I wish I could be like you." He said sighing.

"You can't be Jimin, not until the moment you forgive Sarah for what she did." I said and he looked at me with a confused face.

"Forgive Sarah??" He said.

"Yes holding grudges towards her is only killing the good person in you, the person who cares for everyone around him. But sometimes the cold and rude human you're trying to be from past years dominates the good person in you and make you say those words which you never actually intended on saying."I said and sat on the couch which was kept their.

Jimin also came and sat beside me. His heart was beating in a constant rythm I can hear it even from here. He rested his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes.

I kept my hand on his shoulder and started patting it slowly.

"Y/n it would have been so nice in everyone's life if you were the one at Sarah's place." Jimin said.

My heart skipped a beat at this why is he saying that? He loved Sarah I can see it in his eyes then why he's saying that it would be so good if I was at Sarah's place.

"You would've never left us alone." He said.

"Destiny is the most powerful thing in this whole world I've ever seen. I still wonder sometimes ,that what would be my life be right now if on that interview day I didn't decided to board a bus from the stop or didn't approached Soo-jin to talk to her. All this would be so different if nothing goes like the way things happened. I would have been working in Kim Enterprises."I said.

"And I would not have got the most beautiful and understanding wife in this whole world ,anyone could ask for." He said.

"Wife,when did that happened?" I said questioning and teasing him thinking about the moment he said that I'm Soo-jin's mom and not his wife.

"Don't make me feel more cheap and dirty now. I know you don't have a problem with that. From the first day I can see your crimson red coloured cheeks everytime I called you WIFEY" He said.

"You mean I blush c'mon Jimin don't brag now. You know when we didn't met on the day you came to my home. I got to know from Soo-jin in my room that they're here for her father's marriage. And I was so happy with the thought of marrying Park Jimin." I said laughing.

"But why?" He said furrowed his eyebrows.

"Coz in my eyes Park Jimin was none other than Kim Taehyung. He came to get Soo-jin on the day she left the house. And he was so good and nice to me in our every meeting compared to you." I said.

"Aww wifey got surprised by seeing me there." Jimin said.

"Yes I was." I said.

"Jimin it's getting cold we should go inside now." I said.

"No wait a minute." Jimin said and went inside for sometime and came with a duvet.

He wrapped both of us properly in a duvet and sat again beside me. And rested his head on my shoulder.

My one hand was still out from the duvet when Jimin took my hand in his ones.

He started caressing my hand and touched our engagement ring.

"You still wear it?" He asked.

"Yes... Any doubts.? I said.

"No I was not expecting this as we were not on good terms from so long." He said.

"So.... This doesn't make any sense with the fact that I'm a married young woman now." I said raising my brows proudly.

He laughed at my this behavior.

"You're such a baby y/n" He said laughing.

"Yes, in front of you I'm a baby. Because we have a great age difference." I said.

He was still laughing at me.

"Park Jimin why you always tease me by saying these things to me." I said irritatedly.

"Coz you're cute." He said.

"Don't talk to me now. I'll tell your dad about you always teasing me like this." I said.

"Shhh......" Jimin said putting his hand on my lips with his head still on my shoulder.

I also became silent and was looking here and there when my ears soon heard sound of little snores. What? Jimin slept on my shoulder?

I looked at him he was having a great nap on my shoulder. I decided not to wake him up until he's not awake by himself.


It's been one hour since Jimin is slept and he's not waking up. I should wake him up otherwise it will create a problem in his neck.

"Jimin wake up let's go we'll sleep in the room." I said.

He hummed and got up from there.

We went to our room and slept on the bed together.......



HER  LADY LUCK'S FATHER.... 💜. A PJM FF. JIMIN× READERWhere stories live. Discover now