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Everyone here is having the dinner now

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Everyone here is having the dinner now. Jimin liked the Songpyeon I made. He also complemented my cooking skills. I'm feeding Soo-jin first.

"Jimin what about you having a vacation with y/n?" Mom asked jimin.

"Mom, vacation? And why is it necessary?" Jimin said.

"No ,newly married couples go to honeymoon and vacation you both should also go. We'll take care of Soo-jin for somedays." Mom said.

"No I don't wanna go anywhere I've so much work to do." Jimin said.

"Y/n what about you?" Dad asked me.

"No , dad it's not necessary as of now. Jimin is busy with his work and leaving Soo-jin alone here doesn't seems a good idea for me." I said.

"Okay as you both wish tell us whenever you want it we'll plan it for you both." Mom said.

"Thanks mom, we'll let you know." I said smiling.

We're done with the dinner and all three of us has left to the home now. Jimin is driving and I'm on the passenger seat with Soo-jin in my arms.

"Mumma are you going somewhere? Grandma was talking about a moon I don't know what it was but they were asking you to go?" Soo-jin asked.

"It's called honeymoon baby and no , we're not going anywhere leaving our lady luck here alone." I said and kissed her forehead.

"Lady luck now what's that for?" Jimin asked in his cold tone.

"Lady luck ,Soo-jin is my Lady luck. The day she met me everything in my life changed." I said.

"Ohh and you got me as your husband." Jimin said giving me his eyes smile.

"Don't smile too much otherwise we'll meet an accident soon." I said laughing.

"Why?" He asked.

"Your eyes totally closes when you smile or laugh pabo." I said.

"I'm older than you don't talk to me that way. And all my Lady friends found it so sweet and cute." He said.

"Yes coz they're already blind and can only see the money you have." I said teasing him.

But to say the truth this was the very first thing I noticed in Jimin. He was sitting there in the living area of my home when Taehyung cracked a lame joke and he laughed at that. This was very first thing in him to make me fall for him.

"Dad don't fight now." Soo-jin said.

"Okay baby, do you have school tomorrow?" I asked Soo-jin.

"No mumma tomorrow is my holiday." Soo-jin said.


The whole ride after Soo-jin went to her Dreamland was silent. I was also sleepy a bit when the car stopped at our house. I was about to get out of the car with Soo-jin in my arms.

HER  LADY LUCK'S FATHER.... 💜. A PJM FF. JIMIN× READERWhere stories live. Discover now