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I ended up sleeping with Soo-Jin. The bed was of a normal size and Soo-Jin is small so somehow we managed sleeping there. It's morning time now. I don't know where Jimin is from the moment I'm awake and actually I'm not even interested in knowing where he is. My main focus and point of concentration is only Soo-Jin's health right now. I've took a bath in the room's washroom and wore the same clothes . I wanna go home to get some clothes of mine here. I'm waking Soo-Jin up now.

"Good morning love. Wake up look the sun is waiting for my baby girl to open her eyes." I said caressing Soo-Jin's head covered with bandage.

She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Good morning mumma." She said.

"How are you now?" I asked as I looked at her slightly swollen feet.

"Better" She said.

"Okay now we'll brush your tooth and then have the breakie." I said.

I picked her up in my arms and took her to the washroom. I made her sit on the counter of the washroom and was brushing her teeth.

"Mumma, look at me." Soo-Jin said as I was applying toothpaste to her brush.

"Yes baby." I said and looked at her when she threw few drops of water on my face.

"Yeahhh.... I did that now soo-Jin won. " Soo-Jin said and started clapping her hands.

"Aww really.... My my baby won." I said and threw some drops of water on her face.

We both were giggling while playing with water and were having a beautiful and happy time together.


I entered the room and soon my ears found it's candy. Soo-Jin and y/n both were giggling loudly in the washroom together.

I'm still amazed that what kind of power y/n have. I'm still not able to make Soo-Jin laugh when she even had a mild fever and y/n, soo-Jin is happy with her when she is injured badly.

I sat on the couch listening to their conversations.

"And on that day Cinderella got married to the prince and they lived a dream like life after that." Y/n said as she was telling her the story of Cinderella.

"Yeah mumma..... And Cinderella was finally happy after all the sadness in her life." Soo-Jin said .

"Yes baby.... I wish all of us could have a life like Cinderella where there is brightness even after the darkness." Y/n said in a low tone.

"Mumma I'm hungry." Soo-Jin said.

"Oaky now let's go." Y/n said

I started scrolling my phone . Trying to make y/n sure that I'm not interested in their talks and was doing some work here.

"Dad good morning." Soo-Jin said as she was coming to her bed in y/n's arms.

"Morning love." I said and kissed her forehead.

After that y/n started feeding Soo-Jin porridge. And I was watching them both again like a stupid.........

I was feeding her when I felt intese stares of jimin on me. I ignored him and was still doing my work.

"Y/n I went to home and I've brought your clothes here. Change you clothes." Jimin said.

I looked at him and then again towards Soo-Jin. I didn't replied him anything. He kept the bag full of my clothes on the bed and went back to the couch.

HER  LADY LUCK'S FATHER.... 💜. A PJM FF. JIMIN× READERWhere stories live. Discover now