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It's 10 in the morning now. Jimin is still asleep. I've took a shower and dropped Soo-Jin to her school. Jimin will be having hangover so I've kept lemonade in his room to help him a bit. Everything is normal as of now by God's grace but Jimin's words from last night still haunts me so much. He loves Sarah I can't make it sure but Jimin after the day i cried , I was happy after that day something really good was started to happen between us from that day but yesterday night spoiled it all. I was having my breakfast when Jimin came to the kitchen.He came sat beside me with the same glass of lemonade I kept in the room earlier.

"Good morning." Jimin said.

"Morning" I said and faked a smile.

He kept on rubbing his forehead with his hands.

"Jimin I've kept the medicines with your breakfast have it after eating." I said.

I ate my breakfast and did the dishes. Jimin's eyes were following me everywhere I go. I did the dishes and went upstairs in the room.

I entered the room and started searching for a book in the my shelf. Jimin came here too. I was totally ignoring him when he came towards me.

"Y/n can I ask you what has happened to you. Why you're ignoring me?" He asked.

From Jimin's yesterday's breakdown in front of me. I'm able to see the pain he has been hiding from so long. I know that he loves Sarah but that doesn't change the fact that I love him. I should show him care to make him feel good. And loving someone doesn't require to be both sided. It was not his fault that Sarah left him and his daughter. I will from now on try to make him feel good and forget all his pains and be the real him at least in front of me.

"What happened wifey tell me?" Jimin said.

I was looking at him when Jimin pinned me to the wall by my shoulders. He was in front of me looking in my eyes. His intense stares were giving me chills down my spine. He crushed his body over me and came closer to me. I closed my eyes as I'm expecting something is really gonna happen. Jimin then landed his plump pink lips on mine one. He kissed me very gently. I was losing my control over his hot touch. He made his lips move on my mine ones for seconds. I was about to kiss him back when Jimin's word from last night played in my mind.

"I loved her. I really did and maybe the love is not dead yet till now but what she did was unforgivable."

And no matter how much i'm trying my best not to let Sarah come between us this is making me feel scared now to face a heartbreak.When Jimin didn't got response from me he pulled out from the kiss. He looked at me with a questioning look.

"I'm sorry." I said avoiding any eyes contact with him.

"It's okay. But please tell me what has happened to you?" He said.

"Nothing Jimin. It's just that last night I saw the real you. And that real you was the one I want you to be forever.And want you to be happy for real."I said and hugged Jimin.

But he didn't hugged me back this time.

"What are the other things I told you last night?" Jimin asked in a angry tone this time.

"That you love Sarah. But I don't mind that. This thing was hitting me earlier but not now. I don't have anything to do with your past." I said.

Jimin pulled me out from the hug harshly. My back hitted the wall and I looked at Jimin. He has anger filled in his dark brown eyes.

HER  LADY LUCK'S FATHER.... 💜. A PJM FF. JIMIN× READERWhere stories live. Discover now