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We're in the home after the date. I made Soo-Jin sleep now. I'm coming from her room to my room to sleep. But to be so clear I'm afraid what if Jimin said something to me about doing it tonight. I'll not be able to resist it to him. But I'm afraid how does will it feel?

I reached the room and Jimin was in the other room. I sat on the bed scrolling my phone. I'm in the dress right which is now feeling tight around my body and making me feel uncomfortable.

The door after then opened and revealed Jimin who have a smirk plastered over his face.

I gulped at looking at him he was coming towards me with a huge smirk. I hugged my knees tightly and started avoiding his gaze.

"Aww wifey is scared ,you don't need to be baby girl. I'm a man of my words and remember what I said on our first night that I'll not be touching you until the moment you're able to resist my touch. So you don't need to be scared of me. Nothing between us will happen without your consent." Jimin said and pressed his palms against my hands.

I literally melted over his words and touch. I was feeling so lucky to have him in my life. After that Jimin went to the shower. I was blushing hard remembering all those moments happened to me few hours ago. The way Jimin proposed me and everything.

Now I'm taking off all my jewelry I wore to go to the shower. Just then Jimin came from the showerband started staring me . His deep stares were giving me chills all around my body. I looked up at him and he started looking here and there avoiding gaze with me. I was removing my makeup when again I felt Jimin's gaze at me . I turned around to see him and again he started looking here and there avoiding my gaze.


"Pervert Jiminie you're so cheap to look at a woman like this." I said as I stood up from the chair and looked at him.

Jimin started walking towards me with an intense stares. I looked at him with my scary eyes. He came and pinned me to the wall by my shoulders.

"Better you know Mrs. Park that, this woman is my wife and you are all mine. I can stare at you whenever I want." Jimin mumbled in my ears.

His hot breathe hitting my neck gave me goosebumps all around my body. I started shivering badly under his touch. This was the moment I realised that I want him now. I want to feel him so bad.

"Then show it to me that I'm all yours." I said and pulled him into a kiss.

Our lips were moving in a sync with each other. Jimin started kissing me so hungrily. My lower lip was fully in his mouth when he started biting it slowly. I opened my mouth and he made his tongue entrance in my mouth. His tongue was exploring every inch of my mouth. Our tongues were dancing in the sync with each other. After several minutes , I started to get out of breath . We both were panting heavily. When Jimin went to my jawline and started kissing and licking it . He was leaving red marks on my jawline and all I was doing was losing my control over his touch .

I was totally lost in him. When Jimin broke the contact between us and looked at me.

"Y/n are you sure?" Jimin asked.

"Yes I am, but scared too it's my first time." I said.

Jimin laughed at me.

"Don't worry I'll be smooth as breeze baby girl." Jimin said.

I looked in his deep eyes and this time his eyes were speaking a lot of emotions . His eyes were looking at me with so many emotions of love , care , desire , need , lust , passion and many more .

HER  LADY LUCK'S FATHER.... 💜. A PJM FF. JIMIN× READERWhere stories live. Discover now