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We're driving back to home. Soo-jin is in my arms asleep. She's better than before but doctor has told her bed rest for somedays . And also jimin talked to doctor. The doctor said she needs good care and needs to be happy like the other children of her age.

I was looking at soo-jin when jimin's phone rang.

"Hello mom." He said answering the call.

"Soo-jin is fine now. We're going home, y/n is with me. And mom, tell Aera to go home from Mr. Lee's home directly. Soo-jin is asleep." He said looking at soo-jin.

He hanged up the call

All and again the there was silence all around us.

I was getting so bored. Like how can he drive while not talking. He's so boring I guess.

"Thanks y/n for coming with me today. I was tensed seeing soo-jin like that." He finally said something a cold tone like him.

But inside I was literally laughing he was lying that he was only tensed seeing soo-jin. His face was totally scared that time when soo-jin was unconscious.

Soo-jin started whimpering in her sleep with her low voice and snuggled her face in my neck.

I looked at jimin who was already looking at me. I hugged soo-jin tightly and didn't said anything for a long time.

"Can I ask you something?" I said to jimin.

"Yes, ask." He said with his eyes still sticker on the road.

"Where's soo-jin's mom?" I asked as this question was hitting me every time I was around soo-jin.

Just then he stopped the car harshly.

I can see anger in his eyes right now.

"Don't try to be my wife ,you're only here for soo-jin.." He said angrily.

"And don't even dare to ask that fucking question again to me." He said loudly and started the car again.

I was so scared by his loud and angry voice. No wonder why soo-jin don't like to be around him. Everyone in this whole planet will not like to be with him. Also I guess his soo-jin's mother also left him for his this behavior. He's an arrogant , rich, heartless man who only knows how to earn money not relations.

We soon reached Park mansion. The car stopped at a big bunglow. It was my first time entering this much beautiful house.

I entered there with soo-jin in my arms

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I entered there with soo-jin in my arms.

"Where's her room?" I asked jimin.

"Upstairs, follow me." He said and started climbing the stairs.

HER  LADY LUCK'S FATHER.... 💜. A PJM FF. JIMIN× READERWhere stories live. Discover now