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It's been twenty days since Jimin and I got married. From the party day Jimin is only opening his mouth to spill poison to me. Telling me that I'm a gold digger, i'm ugly. I'm lucky that Soo-jin liked me when she met me and many more. My life is like a total mess these days. I've started hating even my own presence. Soo-jin is the only one in this whole big house of his who make me feel good. But who knows that how long this man allows Soo-jin to live with me. Yes, one day he told me that I should behave properly otherwise he'll not allow me to be with his daughter. HIS DAUGHTER. I gave up my job, my family to marry him because of Soo-jin but she's still only his daughter.

I'm still sleeping on that uncomfortable couch. Actually not even sleeping half of my nights are sleepless because of the thoughts of Jimin that he said all day to me. Despite of Jimin's this behavior to me. Me being the fool me have came to a conclusion that I've started liking him. He's handsome and the way he behaves to me in front of the media. I want time to stop at those moments when he does those things to me. Like the night we went to party. He asked me that if I'm comfortable standing there alone in front of media. I don't know he pisses me off so much sometimes. But his intimidating and charming personality is a thing I can't resist.

Right now Soo-jin is at the school and Jimin at his work. I'm alone in this big mansion in our shared bedroom reading a book. I'm getting bored here. I'm thinking of going to my parents house for somedays with Soo-jin . She's also having vacation after somedays.


It's night time now and we're having dinner

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It's night time now and we're having dinner. Only me and Soo-jin are here. I called Jimin but he didn't picked it. He must be busy in work......

I've made Soo-jin sleep now and I also went to sleep on that uncomfortable couch again..... Soo-jin is the only ray of hope in this sad life of mine. But I don't have anyone in my life to tell all my problems. Soo-jin is so small for all these and I don't want to drag her in this. My parents will worry about me if they came to know all these things and Stella is so busy these days. And Jimin he's himself the biggest problem of my life. Also I've observed that due to lot of stress and my body slightly moving towards depression I'm bleeding from a week now. I'm not able to handle to all these things now.



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HER  LADY LUCK'S FATHER.... 💜. A PJM FF. JIMIN× READERWhere stories live. Discover now