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I reached home after minutes of driving. I went straight to my room and took a shower. Now I'm having the dinner in the kitchen. I ordered it online because cooking and me were never on good terms. I'm done with the dinner now and it's 9pm . I'm going to my room to do some work related to company and then I'll be sleeping.

I took my laptop out of my bag when I thought that I would require a file too while doing this work . So I went towards the book shelf where I kept the file earlier. And near the book shelf there's y/n's small study table. I never really intended on touching that place or invading her privacy but this time something really got my eye. It's a beautiful diary of purple colour. With a bookmark in it but the sad part is her bookmark is half coming out of the diary. The diary was also placed in a sense that y/n didn't remembered putting it back to it's place by mistake.The place also had some adhesives and tapes. I took the diary and opened it.

"Don't read it until you've found it and I've lost it.... Means you have to read the first page to return it back to me."

This was written on the first page and with that some details of y/n like her name, phone no. And house no. But she still didn't changed the house no. It still had the Lee's address in it. I started turning the pages when I realised that y/n is maintaining this journal for so long now.

12,MARCH, 2014
"Boom!! Got my first periods..... Was aware of it earlier but cramps are like experiencing death."

10,NOVEMBER, 2019
"Turned 18 today. Watched an adult movie with Stella for the first time...

I was smiling like an idiot seeing her writing this stuff. I know it's wrong to read anyone's journal without permission but y/n is my wife. I guess I can do that though it's wrong.

12,APRIL, 2018
"I was literally not into these things but the day Stella started dating Martin. I'm also having a desire to have a guy in my life. But really I haven't even kissed anyone till now. A guy in past propsed me but I don't like him . See I'm not saying that I really want an actor or something but atleast with whom I can be myself. With someone who's touch can make me feel like everything is fine even when everything in my life is falling apart. With whom who can make me feel like the most beautiful person in this whole world even when I'm sitting in oldest PJ'S of mine with messy hairs. With someone in front of whom I can laugh or cry my heart out without even caring that what he will think about me. With someone whom I can devote myself to live a happy life...It's shit though I know no one is like this. And specially for me forget about it Lee y/n and go back to study exams are coming..... Bye.... "

I turned pages and went to her recentwrites.

"Finally got a job at Kim enterprises..... Excited for tomorrow."

"Fuck my life...... Dad is under so much debts I can't even help him. "

"Park Jimin ..... I hate you..... I hate you so much.... Getting married to the totally opposite man of my dreams I wrote back when I was young. I still can't believe that how a beautiful flower like Soo-jin is bloomed by a man like Park Jimin."

"Favorite part of my life nowadays is when I'm in front of media. Though it makes me uncomfortable about my personality but Jimin behaves so nice to me in front of them."

HER  LADY LUCK'S FATHER.... 💜. A PJM FF. JIMIN× READERWhere stories live. Discover now