Chapter - 19 REAL DATE💜

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We had the dinner now. Soo-Jin is asleep at her room. I came back to my room and laid myself on the bed. Jimin came and laid beside me. I was facing him right now.

"Tell me if you're uncomfortable

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"Tell me if you're uncomfortable." Jimin said.

He then took off his head from the pillow and burried his face in my chest and hugged ne tightly. And no doubts Soo-Jin is his daughter she always use to sleep like this with me. His hot breathes were continuously hitting my the bare part of my neck and chest giving me goosebumps even when I was not conscious. I kept my one hand in his head as I had developed this habit of caressing someone's hairs while sleeping because of Soo-Jin. Slowly after then reached the my dream world.....


I'm awake now

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I'm awake now. I was not able move a bit I can't even know that Jimin made his grip around me so tightly even while sleeping. Like he doesn't want me let go anywhere. I've checked on Soo-Jin she's still asleep. I'm ready for the day now and making coffee in the kitchen.

I was having my coffee while reading a magazine in the living area when Jimin cam with his messy hairs and puffy eyes.

"Good morning." Jimin said and leaned down to kiss my head.

What?? Did he kissed me? But why? Well this is new to you Park Y/n.

"Morning" I said with my eyes still stuck on the magazine.

"What? Really like you gotta a handsome husband and in this beautiful morning you're ignoring my beautiful face and reading this stupid magazine." Jimin said and snatched the magazine from my hands.

"So what do you expect? Should I ogle you from day to night sitting here like aww I got a beautiful husband." I said jokingly.

"No I don't want that , but what are your plans for today?" Jimin asked with his eyes smile.

"Nothing just taking care if Soo-Jin." I said.

"You're so dumb y/n" Jimin said.

"So what should I do? You're joining back at work today. I've nothing else to do." I said.

HER  LADY LUCK'S FATHER.... 💜. A PJM FF. JIMIN× READERWhere stories live. Discover now