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It's 10 in the morning now. I've been up since so long. And i've came across a new thing, that this big ass house of Mr. Park Jimin is a lot boring than it looked from outside.

Like literally even the paintings here are luxurious, expensive but doesn't have shit over it, they're like a petal of flower only and boom if you knew it's price, it's ten thousand dollars. They're fucking lunatics maybe... They have money but don't know how to decorate the house.

Anyways, I should wake my baby up , she's the best thing happened to this stupid place ever and i also feel like she should wake up rather than being annoyed for the whole day with oversleep.

I slowly slid my feet in her room and saw her sleeping tiny figure, her pink lips pouted and eyes closed.

"Good morning baby wake up look it's already 10." I said kissing her forehead to which she whimpered.

She slowly opened her eyelashes fluttered as it took her sometime to recognize me before finally smiling brightly to me.

"Unnie good morning." She said in a sleepy voice of her.

"Good morning, how are you feeling now?" I asked and checked her temperatures on forehead.

"I'm fine,thank you unnie for staying here, where's dad?" She asked her eyes firstly sparkling, then looking around to see Jimin's presence in the room.

Baby your dad already left for work.

He cares too much about work, maybe sometimes a little more than you.

"He's at the company baby, tell me what you wanna eat for breakie, I forgot to tell you but unnie is a very good cook." I said looking at her when her face left that little smile knowing that jimin was not here even when she was sick last night.

I'm sorry soo-Jin.

"He was here early morning to check you up baby. You were asleep that time that's why he thought of doing some work till you're sleeping." I said trying to make it up for her.

So sorry for lying to you.

"Really! Are we going at his office." She asked excitedly, her eyes shining brightly.

"Yes,I guess." I said and picked her in my arms. Trying to avoid this pretty tensed conversation about her father.

"Unnie I want to take bath now. Can you call Ms. Aera please." She said while I made her messy hairs in a ponytail.

"Aww let me give you a warm bathe baby girl." I said tickling her sides as she laughed.

Her giggles made this morning a little better and with her in my arms I took her to the washroom.

Keeping her in the mini bath tub after removing her clothes. I added her baby body wash to it. Telling her different stories about anything I made her bath.

Half of my clothes are wet now because of all the playing me and soo-jin did in the bathroom. I dressed her up on in a pair of shorts and a light blue t-shirt and I brushed her hairs as we ascended our feet downstairs to the dining room where she's now eating her breakfast.

Just when my phone rang. Soo-Jin smiled while I answered the phone without even looking at the caller ID.

"Hello wifey... " A deep husky voice made my blood boil in anger.

"Jimin can you stop saying that again and again we're not married yet" I said being pretty direct to him to which I heard a chuckle before he started speaking again.

HER  LADY LUCK'S FATHER.... 💜. A PJM FF. JIMIN× READERWhere stories live. Discover now