Another Stark

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"Who so sheddeth man's blood by man shall his blood be shed."
-Genesis 9:6


Nova's POV

Sirens blaring in the street brings me back to reality.
I feel the concrete under my fingertips, and broken glass cut my palms.
A sharp pain runs through my back.
The ground vibrates, and I turn my head to the side, seeing Tony walking towards me.
"You could have asked me to leave without defenestrating me." I groan, rolling to the side and getting on my knees.
I look at him, grinning. He's staring back at me with nothing but hate.
He must have something really worth protecting, and I'll get to it.
"That was the last window you are ever seeing. You're going to spend the rest of your life in a hole." He scowls, looking down at me.
I nod, getting on my feet.
"You're a little too confident for someone who sends other people to kill someone." My provocation hits him, and he holds up his hand, blasting at me.
I cross my arm in front of me, shielding myself and bend forward, absorbing the blast.
Tony looks at me, surprised, and I smirk.
"That's all you got, Stark?" I mock, and he snaps, rushing to me and swinging at my jaw.

The collision makes my head jerk back, and I almost lose my balance.
He charges me again. This time I move to the side, and he misses.
I kick his leg, and his right knee hits the ground.
He aims his hand at me, but I hold up both my hands, and slowly turn it back to his face.
"Fuck," he curses under his breath, and his helmet closes.
I watch him get thrown away by his own shot.
Groaning, he tries to get back on his feet when I walk up to him.
Holding my hand up, I hiss with malicious intent, "don't even try." He stops.
"Show your face, don't die like a fucking coward." My voice comes out as a snarl, and I start to feel the familiar sensation of power that comes before death.
It's subtle, but it's there. A faint tingle in my chest.

Tony's helmet opens, and his face is stained with blood.
"You made my life a hell on Earth for ten years," I croak, baring my teeth at him.
"I have nothing because of you. And now you're going to pay for this." My voice breaks as images of my past flash before my eyes.
"You're making a mistake. I didn't kill your mother." Tony heaves, staring at me.
"Shut up!" I shout, and my hand starts glowing with a purple light.
"I didn't kill her!" he shouts back, and I clench my fist, making him whimper in pain.
"I didn't kill her. I loved her." He seethes, squeezing his eyes.
"Liar!" I yell, moving back my hand, ready to end him.
My heart pounding in my ears is making me go crazy.
I want to make him pay. He deserves to pay for what he did.
I want him dead, but something is keeping me from doing it.
He has to pay.
I finally get back my focus, but it's too late.
Something hits the back of my head, and my vision goes black.
My body hits the concrete, and sounds start to fade away.


The air is cold, and my head hurts like hell.
I force myself to open my eyes, but I immediately close them again, raising my hand in front of my face to shield the light.
I can feel a cushion under my body, and it's only big enough for my back.
My eyes open again, and I blink a few times before moving my hand away.
I look around, and I realize I'm in a cell.
One of the walls is made out of glass, and I see Tony sitting outside, his left leg resting on his right knee.
I sigh, sitting up and looking away.

"Someone is awake." His voice echoes in the cell.
I clench my jaw. Tony is already getting on my nerves.
"You were supposed to be having a talk with God by now, don't push it." I groan, holding my head in my palms.
I pat the back of my head and hiss in pain when I find the spot where I was hit.
"You should be in the raft, don't push it." He mocks, and I glare daggers at him.
Tony stands up, walks to the control table, and a hologram appears in the middle of the cell.
"Before I send you there, you should see something." He huffs, and pictures start to flow in front of my eyes.
"What are you doing?" I whisper, seeing my mother's face.
She's smiling and looks happy.
My stomach twists and I start to feel nauseous.
The pictures keep going. My mother was sitting on Tony's lap, smiling at the camera, holding a pie in her hand.
I feel my eyes sting, and I shut them.

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