A Bumpy Start

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Ergh. It's too early for this shit. I roll over and hit the alarm before slowly rolling out of bed, grumbling as I do. The nightmares came back last night and they knock me around a fair bit, it'll take a while to feel 'normal' again. I look around, glaring at my apartment. I hate this place, it's small, dark, it smells damp and it's in an rough area to say the least. I am thankful that Fury found me something on such short notice - something that no one knows about that is. He didn't want me living on the helicarrier where there would be too many eyes and ears. He wanted to hide me away so no one could find me, especially not them. I couldn't go back there. Fury told me that only he and Coulson know where I live, he doesn't trust easily.

I've been living here by myself for the past two and a half years, before that I was just another science experiment, a freak show. I owe my life to Fury. Speaking of, I need to get a move on or I'll be late! I have a meeting with him at Stark Tower in an hour, that gives me just enough time to grab a coffee on the way if I leave now.

I rush out the door not bothering to lock it. If someone wants to break in so be it. I had no sentimental or valuable possessions in that crappy place anyway. I keep my eyes trained down on the ground and try to make myself as small as possible, an old habit that's been hard to break. Years of being tortured will do that to a person. Just as I rounded the corner of my favourite coffee shop, I slammed into someone and hot coffee went flying everywhere. I mutter an apology and look up to see a tall man with emerald green eyes and long black hair. He gives off quite a powerful aura that shouts 'I'm not of this world'. He is wearing a sharp black suit that's now covered in his drink.

[Speaking in Asgardian] "Dull creatures, can't even watch where they're walking" he snarls whilst glaring at me. I roll my eyes understanding exactly what he's said. Within seconds of this happening, I flick my wrist which cleans us both and makes a fresh coffee land in his hands. I confidently say "asshole" in perfect Asgardian before flipping him off and disappearing (quite literally) before he can respond. A range of emotions that I couldn't read all at once crossed his cold face, shock being the one that stuck - I'm not sure if that's from speaking to him in his native tongue or the fact that I used magic right in front of him. Fury is going to be mad as hell at me but the look on his face was priceless! Me: 1, God of Mischief: 0.

I line up to grab a coffee but as expected, I get a text from Fury... he is pissed. There's no getting away with anything when it comes to this man. Looks like I'll just have to grab a coffee when I get to Stark Tower, surely the infamous Iron Man has his own cafe in that obnoxious tower of his.

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