Reindeer Games

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"You missed Fury's meeting this morning. He's going to be pissed" Tony continued.
"And who would this be?" Loki sneered. I'd really fucked up this morning by the sounds of it. I roll my eyes and let out a huff, I don't want to have to retell my story again. I look to Tony for help. "Can't say Reindeer Games, that's what the meeting was about. You'll have to watch the footage so the poor kid doesn't have to explain everything again. JARVIS, play the security footage from conference room A for Reindeer Games. Play from 9.05am. Raven, follow me and we'll get you settled into your room." He grabbed my hand and dragged me back to the elevator. "Thanks Tony, going through that once was enough for one day. And... thank you for letting me stay here. I really appreciate it"
"No worries kid, mi casa es su casa! But also Fury asked so Fury shall receive. Why was it so important that you had to move in today? Fury wouldn't let it slip and I couldn't find anything about it or you on the SHIELD database." I roll my eyes at the term 'kid'.

"What I was living in got condemned and was being torn down this week. Wait, you have access to the SHIELD database?!" I asked impressed. He just winked at me and lifted a finger to his lips. I hope for his sake Fury doesn't find out. When we get to the second top floor, Tony told me my room was the last one on the right and he left me to it. I went and let myself in. Huge was an understatement, this room could fit my whole entire apartment in it and you'd still have room to move. Walking into the room I notice that on the left there was a kitchenette with a fully stocked mini fridge. Past that was a walk in robe and I could see the door to what I assumed was the bathroom. On the right there was a beautiful balcony looking over the city and a cozy lounge area, fireplace included. In the centre of the room there was a king sized bed with my one box of belongings sitting in the middle of it. How pathetic, one box of belongings to show for my life. I walked further in to go and jump on the bed, dumping my bag on the dresser as I went. I'm exhausted and it's not even the afternoon yet... stupid nightmares.

As I'm about to curl up on the soft bed for a quick nap, someone starts banging on the door. I grumble all the way over and open it up to see none other than the God of Mischief himself. Great, I was hoping to put this off for at least another couple of hours. I motion for him to go and sit on the couch knowing that this wasn't going to be a short conversation. I quickly make sure all of my mental blocks are up so he can't reach into the depths of my mind having been warned by Fury that he can read them. I really don't know much about him or the other Avengers, I guess that's what happens when you're locked away from the world. I can already feel him poking around, trying to find a way in. "You won't find anything there" I state smugly. "What did you want to know?" I asked whilst plonking down into the comfiest couch I've ever sat in. I try and poke around in his mind, his blocks are as solid as concrete... nothing I haven't been able to break into before.

Loki gives me a warning glare knowing exactly what I was doing so I stopped, for now at least. I want to know all of this mans secrets. He could teach me a thing or two about how he uses his powers! I might ask him later. "How do you know Asgardian?" He asks pointedly, interrupting my thoughts and obviously more than curious about my heritage. I flick a small flame into the fire trying to distract him from the blatant lie I'm about to tell as I answer his question "I started to learn some words for Fury after he met Thor. I'm not very good at it and only really know the swear words, they're more fun to know". 
"But the accent, no mortal has the capacity to master it yet you, you seem to have done just that" he cocks one eyebrow at me accusingly.
"I have a keen ear and a talent when it comes to speaking different languages." That's a lie, I can only speak two - English and Asgardian.

"What about your other powers? You used magic this morning, similar to Asgardian sorcery How do you explain that?"

Man he's good, no wonder why he's the God of Mischief. "That Reindeer Games is a question for another time, I'm not keen on repeating myself and I'm sure the rest of the team will want to know what I can do" I explain stifling yet another yawn. "If you don't mind, I'd like to have a nap before I have to face everyone again." I say standing up and heading over to the door waiting for him to move. He slowly gets out of the chair he was sitting in and makes his way past me. Just as I'm about to close the door he turns around and almost whispers "Loki, please call me Loki".
"Nice to make your acquaintance Loki, you can call me Raven... for now" I say smiling as I close the door, there's the first little crack in his walls. Reading his mind is going to be easier than I thought! What a shame... I was hoping for a challenge.

I go and slam myself onto the mattress wondering how I'm going to keep him off my back about this, hopefully he'll keep his mouth shut and not tell Thor. I drift off into a deep, peaceful sleep thinking about all of the new connections that I made today. Maybe this time will be different? I hope for my sake that it is.

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