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I made it to Stark Tower with 10 minutes to spare and yep, I was right! Thankfully Stark has his own cafe at the bottom of the tower. I grab an Iced Latte and head over to the elevator that'll take me to the conference room where I know Fury will be waiting. I jump in and look for the right floor to press and become confused when I see there are no buttons. I go to get out but jump when a voice comes over the speaker and the door slams shut. "You have unauthorised access to this compound. Please state your name and business". "I'm y/n and I'm here for a meeting with Director Fury. Who are you?"

"Your identity has been confirmed and access has been approved by Mr. Fury. I am JARVIS, Mr. Starks AI. Please let me know if you need any assistance". "Hey JARVIS... can you please make sure that you don't mention my name to anyone in the tower? It's complicated." I explain lamely, scratching the back of my neck. I feel like a fool talking to a computer like this. Does it even understand? "Of course, what would you like me to call you instead?"
"Raven would be fine, thank you JARVIS".

Our 'conversation' ends there as the elevator dings and the door slides open. As it does I'm face to face with a more than furious Fury. "How did you even find out so fast? I only used a little bit of my powers and I know for a FACT that no one saw me!" I say with a huff. "Loki saw and heard you quite clearly from what I know" Fury said in a matter of fact tone. "I know but I didn't want to get on the God of Mischief's bad side so early in the day". I know he can't stay mad at me. I'm too loveable... "You better not be using that power of yours to swing my mood Raven"... shit, caught out. Oh well it was worth a shot!

I take a seat at the large conference table grinning whilst sipping my near empty coffee. "So Fury, what did you need me for so early in the morning? And why here? Aren't I meant to be hiding from the world?" I ask stifling a yawn. "I've decided that it's time. We haven't seen or heard from them since the day we got you out of there. You're going to come and live with and be a part of the Avengers" I choke on my coffee as he says this. "What?!" I exclaim in between chokes. "Oh, and the building that your living in has been condemned, it's going to be pulled down within the week. You move in today. I've already had Coulson pick up your belongings and have arranged everything with Mr. Stark." Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no, no. This isn't good. This can't be happening! What if they have eyes on the tower? What happens if one of the Avengers is secretly one of them? What happens when I end up on the front cover of some shitty magazine or well known newspaper?!

Fury must have noticed the panic on my face. "Raven! You will be okay. The Avengers will respect your boundaries, all you have to do is explain. It's up to you how much you tell them, but I don't want you to tell them everything yet. I want you to try and keep the fact that you're Asgardian a secret and I don't want you to tell them the full extent of your powers. Loki lives here too, you have quite a bit of work ahead of you to make sure he doesn't know you're from Asgard. They won't know you're here. I have plans in place to make sure that you don't end up on the first page of the news. Trust me. You have 5 minutes to compose yourself then the team will be here. I've ordered them not to introduce themselves to the new kid until you explain." You glower at Fury's back as he walks out, he knows that you hate being called kid.

5 minutes. How on Midgard am I meant to explain to them what I am? What I can do? I think my 'bond' power will be enough for one meeting. They're all going to need time to come to terms with it. I'll have to keep my magic hidden for now, it's too close to Asgardian sorcery and Loki will pick up on it straight away. My backstory can definitely wait for another day, no one needs that depressing story so early in the day. Fuck it, I'll just explain the bond. Everything else can wait. I sit there mulling over my thoughts for a few minutes, trying to push the bad memories away. I can sense a group of people getting nearer to the conference room and take a big breath. Here goes nothing!

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