Loki's POV

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Three weeks. Three agonising weeks. That's how long y/n has been missing for. I broke my promise, I vowed to keep her safe! I don't think anyone has had much sleep lately, Tony has only gone to bed when Pepper has forced him to. "Brother you must eat and rest. You will be of no help when we find Lady Raven if you do not!" Thor grumbles at me again. He does have a point, I need to make sure that I have my full strength to kill all of the bastards who lay a hand on her.

One month. I've thrown myself into training, I'm going to be prepared for anything to get my little Asgardian back. I will have her in my arms again.

One month, three days. I'm beginning to lose my mind. Thor has asked Heimdall but he cannot give us any information. Either he doesn't know where she is or she's - no. I will not even entertain the thought that she's gone. I'm sitting in the lounge room trying to read a book. I've read the same line 3 times already, everyone is milling around waiting for any clues as to where she might be. Banner has been a light shade of green since y/n went missing, she tamed the beast that resides within him. The Hulk is worried as well. "SUIT UP AND GET TO THE QUINJET!" Tony shouts at us all, we don't waste a second to ask what's going on.

"Tony talk to us!" Steve demands when we've taken off. "SHIELD have identified a potential location for a hidden Hydra base in a small town not far over. They've seen some increased activity over the past few days, there's no guarantee that she's there but it's worth a shot." He explained calmly from the cockpit. "Fury doesn't know we're going. They were going to keep this hidden from us." He adds on to the end sheepishly. "And how DO you know then?" Clint asks wiggling his eyebrows at Tony. "I have my ways. I'd prefer that Fury never found out that I got my information from under his nose..." I tuned out the argument that ensured between Tony and Steve about morals and bla bla bla.

Could this be it? I couldn't get my hopes up. I look over to Thor who is silently throwing his over glorified hammer up and down, it's an annoying habit that he does when he's nervous. As I'm watching him, his eyebrows furrow in confusion. I tune in to his thoughts, not something that I like to do unless necessary.

...odd. It feels as if someone or something is channeling Mjölnir's energy, like they're going to summon it. No one can lift Mjölnir except maybe the Captain, oh and Lady Raven. I still can't believe - RAVEN!

Thor shoots up in his seat, shock clear on his face. "OPEN THE LOADING HATCH NOW!" I shout at Tony, he quickly does it just as Thor is yanked from his seat and sent flying through the air. "FOLLOW HIM!" I command and Tony sharply readjusts the flight path to follow Thor's red cape in the distance. "What's going on?" Natasha questions, checking that her guns are loaded. "Raven is worthy. The night of the party, the night she was taken she lifted Thor's hammer. They told no one. She's summoned it which can mean only one thing, that's her last hope." I explain.

The others nod, ready for anything. Bruce has turned a shade darker. "Hold on Bruce, we'll have her back soon." Natasha coos, trying to sooth the beast. We don't need the quinjet being torn apart right now. I see in the distance that Thor's trajectory has changed, Mjölnir is heading straight for the ground in what seems to be an empty paddock. The only structure around for miles is an abandoned, run down barn. "Open the hatch now. Have JARVIS keep it hidden in the trees beyond that field, we're going to need all hands on deck here." Steve says sternly. As soon as the hatch opens, we all jump out and hear sirens blaring. A group of Hydra agents come filing out of the barn and run towards Thor. Mjölnir appears out of thin air and he shouts at us "Go! She's at least 10 floors down. I have things covered here!" She's here, my heart explodes with hope. I conjure my Asgardian armour, no one will be leaving with their life. With that, we all run towards the barn where the Hydra agents appeared from.

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