Next day

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I wake up disoriented, it takes me a second to realise where I am and why the sun is blaring directly on my face "JARVIS close the blinds please" I mumble before rolling over and snuggling further into a very familiar chest. "Good morning darling, how are you feeling?" Loki asks me gently, concern lacing his voice. I let out a sigh, will he treat me like glass from now on? I certainly hope not. "I'm fine Loki, just a bit worn out. It was a long couple of weeks before you guys came to save me" I say yawning. "Y/n, how long do you think you were gone for?" He asks curiously. "Like, two weeks? Maybe 3 tops?" I replied confidently. "One month and three days darling, you were gone for one painstaking month and 3 awful days." Hmmm so a bit longer than I anticipated. I must have blacked out for days at a time if that's the case.

I stare up at Loki, darkness was beginning to cloud his eyes. "Hey" I say whilst cupping his cheek with my hand forcing him to look at me. "I'm here, I'm safe now. I love you." I whisper that last part unsure of how he feels about me. His eyes brighten immediately, "I love you too darling" he pronounces, bringing his lips to mine. The kiss to start with was light until I pushed it further. It became full of passion, full of unspoken emotions. I gripped his hair in my hands, pulling him closer than what I thought was possible. Our tongues fought for dominance, his hands started training down my body. A soft moan left my lips as his hand skimmed lightly over my breast. I pushed him down onto the bed and straddled him, I could feel his thickness growing beneath me.

"Miss Raven, Mr Stark is looking for you. The team wishes to visit" JARVIS suddenly calls out. Startled I jump off Loki, my face as red as Thor's cape at what would have happened had JARVIS not interrupted. I cleared my voice before saying "Tell them they can only come up if Clint makes pancakes, don't let any of them on this floor until they're made!" I look down at Loki, if JARVIS was human I'd be worried for his life at this moment, Loki looks as if he's about to murder him. I can't help but giggle. There will be plenty of time for that later my love, right now I need to shower and the team needs to see that I'm okay. I quickly mind link him before pecking him on the cheek and heading towards the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later and the whole team is up in my room eating pancakes together. Everyone is laughing at Nat and Clint bickering like the old married couple that they are. I'm sitting on the bed with Loki on my left side and Bruce on my right giving me one last check up. "Hey Bruce, thank you for looking out for me for the past month. I can only imagine what it would have been like with Loki giving you a hard time. My name is y/n by the way, sorry you're the last one to find out! The Hulk even knew before you." We both chuckle as he checks the large pink scar that takes up most of my stomach. It's only then I realise that everyone is watching out interaction, the conversation has stopped completely. I sigh and stand from the bed, taking my shirt off as I do so they can see my scars properly.

"I know they look bad and may have negative connotations for you guys but for me, they're reminders. Reminders that I'm strong, reminders of where I have been to get to where I am today. They're reminders of one of the best memories that I have to date, that is of telling you all my name. I've never felt comfortable enough or sure enough of myself to tell many people my name, Fury knowing my name was an accident and Bucky became family to me. You're all my family now, my chosen family and these scars will always remind me of that..." I put my shirt back on before projecting my bonds so that they can all see them for the first time. Bucky and Loki have only ever seen them. "...These are my bonds. Each colour represents a different bond, all of these bonds have made their way into my heart. You're all in my heart forever and always. Thank you all for coming to my rescue. I was excited by the prospect of just Thor coming to save me. When I seen you all, I was overwhelmed with the fact that you all cared enough about me to risk your own lives. So it was in that instant that I decided to tell you my name because I know that I can trust you all with my life. You can trust me with yours as well, all of you." I finish my thanks with tears in my eyes. I'm enveloped by hugs from everyone and a kiss in the forehead from Loki.

"So y/n, what's with this bond that has two different colours entwined?" Bruce asks curiously whilst staring at my bonds that I forgot to stop projecting. "Well that's actually you and the Hulk. It seems that you're more connected than what you may think. I always thought of you both as two separate beings sharing the same body but I think it may be more than that." I explained. With that, we spent the next few hours looking over the bonds and what colour belonged to who. Slowly, everyone started to trickle out of my room and go about their day. Thor was the last one to leave, he was heading back to Asgard today for a while but I made him promise that he'd come and find me as soon as he got back before he left... I may have also asked him to get me some of that delicious alcohol that they had there.

After he left I quickly changed into an oversized t-shirt that I often wear as pyjamas, comfort is key. I lay back on my bed exhaustion creeping in. That was the most human interaction that I've had for over two months. Loki is still laying in my bed, his back resting up against the headboard whilst he reads another of his million books that he seems to own. He looks down at me and puts his books down. A small smile crosses his face as he readjusts his position so that he's laying down. He pulls me close to his chest, my back to his front. I can feel desire pooling at the apex of my thighs as his hard member is pressed against my backside. I stifle a yawn, I want more than just this. He chuckles at me and gives me a swift kiss on my shoulder. "Sleep darling, you'll need your energy for what I have planned for you." He whispers huskily in my ear, grazing my earlobe with his teeth after. I stifle a moan and try to ignore what I'm feeling. He better be ready, he doesn't know what's coming for him. I drift off to sleep quickly, safely wrapped in the arms of the man that I love.

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