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The next morning I wake up to a thumping headache. Groaning, I go to roll over and check the time but there are a pair of solid arms wrapped around me. So that wasn't a dream then? I opened my eyes see if Loki had stayed like I stupidly had asked and sure enough, there he was. I wanted to run my fingers over the soft lines of his peaceful face, I wanted so badly to kiss his soft lips. "I'm not stopping you darling" he mumbled, smirking as he opened his eyes. Oh crap, I really need to get a grip around him! I scolded myself as I quickly rebuilt my walls. I could feel myself blushing as he grabbed my chin and pulled me in for a kiss. Before I could stop myself, I had my hands in his hair and his tongue was down my throat. I had to stifle a moan as he rolled on top of me and pressed his manhood against my entrance. *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* I pulled away, breathless.*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* Loki had murder in his eyes, ready to kill whoever was at the door whilst I was silently thanking them.

Before Loki got to the doors they burst open. "Brother! Lady Raven is missing, what if she's been captured again?! Hurry we must-" Thor was shouting but stopped as he noticed me. It was only then that I fully realised where I was... I was in Loki's bed... in my underwear. He must have brought me to his room and undressed me last night before he got into bed. I pulled the blankets tightly around me and gave Thor an awkward wave, my face was surely as red as beetroot at this point. Thor went redder than his cape and chose to look anywhere in the room but at me. "Ahhh, *cough* my sincerest apologies Lady Raven. W-we leave in an hour. I'll inform Frigga that you were-um-are occupied elsewhere. She expects to see all of us in the hall in 30 minutes for breakfast." He swiftly turned and left. I quickly jumped out of bed and went to Loki's large bathroom to freshen up, quickly locking the door behind me. Gods I hope Thor can keep his mouth shut.

After an awkward breakfast Thor, Loki and I said our goodbyes to Odin and Frigga. Frigga made me promise to visit again soon as Odin gave me his blessing to use the bifrost at any time seeing this was my first home. Thor and I made our way to the stables as Odin wished to speak to Loki alone. "Lady Raven..." Thor started awkwardly, these were the first words he had spoken to me since this morning. " brother he didn't, he didn't force you to do anything that you didn't wish last night? Please forgive me for being so forward but you were in a poorly state when you left and you're a sister to me, I worry for you" Concern lacing his voice. "No Thor! Nothing like that happened! Gods no! Loki was nothing but a gentleman, he worries for me and wanted to see that I was alright. We slept next to each other and that is all" I rushed to assure him. I peeked up to see Thor let out a breath and visibly relax. "Does he make you happy?" He questioned, we'd stopped outside of the stables at this point, a small smile made its way to my lips. "Yes he does. Thank you for bringing me here Thor, it's been everything I could remember and more" and with that I give him a hug which he gladly returns. Before I know it Loki's back and we're saddled up riding towards Heimdall, we each have our own horse this time which I'm thankful for. I turn to take one more look at the beauty that is Asgard before grabbing onto Loki and being sent back to Midgard.

As soon as we hit the roof of Stark Tower, I run off to find Bucky leaving Thor and Loki chatting on the roof. I run into the kitchen and see Nat and Clint eating a late breakfast, they must have had training this morning. "Hey guys! Have you seen Bucky anywhere?" I ask whilst looking around. "Bedroom" the both call in sync with a mouthful of French toast. I take off at a sprint, panic is staring to set in with what's happened over the last few days in Asgard plays through my mind. I crash into his bedroom and lock the door behind me, I'm hyperventilating at this point. I turn to see Bucky in bed still with his newly modified arm pointed directly as me. "Y/n, what's wrong?" He asks, quickly scrambling out of bed and scooping my up in his arms as if I weigh nothing. He sits on the couch that's identical to mine, letting me stay curled up until I slowly begin to calm down. I rest my head on his chest, listening to his heart rate. This became normal for us during our days at Hydra, Buck would cradle me in his arms as whatever drug they decided to inject me with that day worked it's way out of my system.

I took a long, shaky breath and explained everything that had happened on Asgard with Loki and I. He sat listening and didn't interrupt me once. "I'm scared Buck. I'm scared that I might be falling in love. I'm scared that he might not want me in the same way. I'm scared that I'm going to be taken again and that will put not only him, but you and Fury in danger! You know they never fail a recall mission, you know what other 'talents' they have there!" I'm absolutely sobbing at this point. "Y/n, doll listen to me. They're not going to get you, I won't allow that to happen and neither will the rest of the team. You know they've never been successful in getting to Fury, he doesn't trust anyone enough to let them get close to him. They're going to have to put up one hell of a fight to get me back there as well. As for Loki, I think you should ask him how he feels. From what I've heard you tell me and from what I've seen, he's in love with you. Stand up and show me your bonds" he says gently. Confused, I do what he asks. "You see this?" He asks pointing to Loki's branch, "His roots have completely imbedded themselves in your heart. If that's anything to go off, it means that you have both completely accepted each other. He has completely given himself, to you in more ways than Fury or I ever will. Or at least he's ready to. All you need to do is take the leap. Once you do, I don't think this bond could ever be broken by him or anyone." Bucky grabs me and encases me in his arms and I relax at his touch. He always knows how to calm me down. Buck became my family when I thought I had no one, he's been there for me even at my darkest moments. I slowly wiggle my way out of his hold and look up to him, he wipes the tears from my cheeks. "Thanks Buck. I love you, you know?" I say with a sniffle. "So, what did Stark and Banner do to your arm?" And with that, we sat down and spent hours filling each other in on what had happened since our breakout attempt. I've missed this man with every fibre of my being.

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