Building Branches

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A few hours later I woke up from my nap feeling much better, just awfully hungry. I decide to head down to the common area to grab a bite to eat, I might even go and get myself another coffee. As the elevator doors glide open I see Barton, Thor and Nat sitting around the table. Barton and Nat seem to be trying to explain Uno to Thor, they're failing miserably. If only I could tell him that it's exactly like a game that we once played as kids! Loki sits alone on a couch next to the fire place, only glancing up from his book to glare at anyone that walks past or makes too much noise. Thor I've noticed is a frequent receiver of these as he doesn't seem to know what an 'inside voice' is. I smile at the sight of it, this feels like a real family. "Hey guys, do you mind if I grab a bite to eat?" I ask sheepishly, I don't know what the food situation is around here yet. Nat gives me an encouraging look. "Go ahead, no ones stopping you. Help yourself to anything, we share everything here" she says gently before turning her attention back to the game.

I head into the kitchen and open the fridge. Sitting right at the front is some leftover pizza so I helped myself to a couple of slices before heading back over to the lounge area. I plonk myself into the gigantic fluffy bean bag that I've been thinking about since I first saw this place, it feels like a big hug. It's close to where Loki is reading peacefully, I want to know more about him. I find him intriguing and I feel that I'm easily drawn to him, I wonder why that is?

"So... Loki. What are you reading?" I peek over to see that it's a book of Asgardian poetry and have to quickly wipe the shocked expression off my face. Mum used to read that to me, it's one of the few memories that I have left of her - of Asgard. I must not have wiped the look off my face quick enough as Loki gives me a puzzled look before turning away from me and answering. "It's Asgardian poetry." I dropped the subject and kept eating, trying to push away memories that were sure to set me off. He must have sensed that something was bothering me as he closed the book and made light conversation with me, telling me about what happened in New York and other smaller parts of his life. He speaks highly of his mother and talks about how she taught him to use his magic. I wish I had Frigga as a teacher, maybe she would have been if... I stop myself from going down that thought path. Loki is quite interesting and his aura glows with pride whenever he talks about Asgard although he'd never care to admit it. I can feel his branch growing steadily.

Suddenly Steve bursts into the room telling everyone to suit up, they have a mission. I go to stand but he quickly says "Sorry Raven, Fury said you're not ready to come out on the field yet. Training will start tomorrow." He gives you a sad smile and makes his way to wherever they keep the quinjet. Everyone gets up to leave and tells me to make myself at home. As Loki walks past, already in his armour, he doesn't give me a second look. He's rebuilt his cold walls, but has a mischievous grin on his face as he walks by with arrogance. Once everyone has disappeared I look around for something to do and that's when I spot it. Loki has left his book on the couch and it has a note in top. A gift for you darling, you can't hide from me. Shit. I can only hope that he keeps this to himself. I pick up the book and start reading through the poems that Mum once read to me before bed, I've got tears in my eyes by the time that I finish.

I wiggle my way out of the bean bag and start to head back to my room. I need to be prepared for any questions that Loki may ask me now that he knows something. I wonder how much he's worked out? As I step out of the elevator I sense that something is off, I make the book disappear into my 'pocket' and ready myself for whatever is about to come. It's already too late to run. I conjure a purple ball of energy that is sure to knock out any mortal and slow down other beings. I can't see anything past the concrete pillars on my left, I know that's where whoever this is will be.

I hear a noise to my left so I send the ball flying that way and feel the satisfying crunch as it connects with my target. To my dismay, this only slowed them down for a second, I'm not dealing with a normal mortal. I pull out my daggers and keep my back to the wall. The figure comes sprinting at me from my right and I let my daggers fly none of them hitting my target. I start running down the hallway hoping to find a secure room where I can bunker down, my magic won't help me here. It's been too long since I've used it in such a way. I quickly mind link Fury screaming for help - somehow I know, it's them. My message to Fury is cut short as someone grabs my ankle and tosses me against the opposite wall. Crap that hurt! I send another ball of energy directly into their chest and they're blasted down the hall away from me. I'm petrified, I can't go back there! Not now, not ever! I hold the cut on my head closed knowing it will heal shortly and begin to sprint back towards the elevator. That's short lived as a robotic arm yanks my hair and slams me to the ground with a sickening crack coming from my head. I force my body to glow knowing that this will drain my energy completely but it might just save me! I open my eyes, ready to blast my attacker when a syringe is plunged deep into my neck. Causing my body to stop glowing instantly. "Bucky?" I ask shocked. He tilts his head to the side with a look that tells me they finally broke him. He grips onto my shirt and starts dragging me down the hallway.

I'm running out of time, I can feel that I'm beginning to lose consciousness and I can't move my arms or legs. Whatever was in that syringe has really done a number on me, it takes a lot to knock out an Asgardian - especially one as powerful as me. I guess they finally perfected their 'recipe'.

It's at this point that I'm glad that I have a bond with some of the Avengers. I try mind linking Nat but that branch isn't strong enough to cope with the distance yet. With my last bit of energy, I link the only other person that I know will hear, I don't have a strong enough bond with anyone else.

Loki I need help, Stark Tower has been attacked and I'm going down - don't kill him. Please...hurry.

The last thing that I saw before darkness swallowed me was a flash of lightning and a familiar pair of emerald eyes. Loki. He heard me, I can only hope that he doesn't kill Bucky - doing that would be the death of me.

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