Night Terrors

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After what felt like the slowest elevator ride in the history of the world, Steve and I finally got to Bucky's room. He was struggling against the restraints and screaming - memories came flooding back in and knocked the wind out of me. I quickly recomposed myself and ran over to help Steve who was pinning him down as the restraints were starting to come loose. "Bucky Barns you stop this right now!" I yelled at him, grabbing the sides of his face and forcing him to look at me just as I did when this would happen at Hydra. A small flash of recognition went through his eyes before they became black pits again. I forced all of our memories together on him through our bond, this was something that I did on a regular basis back when we were at Hydra. I hope it worked after so long. After a few minutes of this and some very confused looks from Steve, Bucky stopped struggling and took in his surroundings. "Raven?" He whispered, unaware that there was someone else in the room. "Raven what are you doing here? You have to leave! They can't have you, not again!" He said becoming distressed again.
"Shhhh Buck, it's okay. We're not there anymore, we're safe. I promise no one has hurt me and all the people here want to do is help you. I promise" I whispered to him, using my ability to manipulate emotions to calm him further whilst tears streamed down my face.
"You know, it's not fair when you use your powers on an old man like that" Bucky chuckled knowing exactly what I was doing. I laughed along with him and started to remove his restraints. Steve was hesitant at first but helped after a little nudge. When the last cuff was off, he sat up and have me a tight squeeze before wiping my tears away.

It was only now that he had calmed down and made sure that I was safe that Bucky realised there was someone else in the room with him. He gave me a 'who is this?' look that I could tell shattered Steve. "Steve... they did some really, truely horrible things down there, the fact that he can remember me is a miracle. I could only give him the memories that we have together. If you give me permission, I can transfer some of the memories that you have together, your memories over to him. All I would need is your hand" I say gently, hoping that this would work. I haven't done it in a very long time and I'm still recouping from earlier. Hesitantly, Steve placed his hand in mine. Bucky willingly gave me his good arm, knowing that I need skin to skin contact. A flood of memories are shared, I'm lucky to have seen them. After a few minutes of standing there I let go of their hands and take a step back, not wanting them to see how much energy that took.

"Steve? Is that really you?" He asked uncertainly. Steve just walked over to him and wrapped him in his arms. I waved to Buck who was looking at me in awe over Steve's shoulder and snuck away so that they had time to reunite and reminisce.

I took the elevator straight up to my floor, hoping that everyone was still in the lounge room waiting for Steve or I to report on the Bucky situation. I didn't see anyone on the way but I had a feeling that someone was watching over me as I locked my door and crawled into bed, I was exhausted. I waved up to Heimdall, assuming it was him checking in on me. Today had been one of the longest days in my life. I was on the edge of sleep when someone knocked lightly on my door, I ignored it as I drifted off into what I knew was going to be another restless night.

I'm 12 years old. I'm chained to a table. A bunch of people in white coats are standing around. Some have clipboards, some have sharp instruments and others have trays full of syringes with who knows what in them. The leader, I never learned his name, smirks. Welcome to your new home Raven, I endeavour to make this your own personal hell for the rest of your miserable life. If I'm lucky, I'll make a weapon out of you along the way. He makes the first cut. Straight down the centre of my stomach. I scream. No one comes to help. No one comes to save me. I'm slashed, poked, prodded, jabbed and injected. I'm in so much pain. Please, just let me die. Let this be the end of it... my screams never stop.

I wake with a jolt scrambling away from whoever is touching me. "Please no more! I'm begging you please! Just kill me!" I scream at my attacker, trying to scramble away from them.  "Raven open your eyes, you've had a nightmare. Darling please, open your eyes and look at me" a familiar voice calls gently, breaking me out of my slumber. I slowly blink my eyes open and see that Loki is standing next to my bed, hands up in a sign of surrender. I look around hyperventilating, the sheets are stuck to me and i'm covered in a sheen of sweat. I can't shake the feeling of being cut. I have to remind myself of where I am, it was just a memory, an awful memory. As I'm still trying to process everything, Loki carefully picks me up and cradles me against his chest. "It was just a nightmare. I'm here, you're safe. I won't let anyone take you" he whispers in my ear. His cool hands feel nice against my hot body as he holds me close and strokes my hair to sooth me. I listen to his breathing and try to match mine to his. After what felt like hours, I slowly peeled myself away from Loki leaving him sitting on the bed as I go to have a cold shower.

When I come back Loki is still there, he was reading again. He vanishes the book and looks at me with concern written all over his face. The God of Mischief concerned? Surely not, he probably sees me as a mewling quim. I lower my gaze, looking at anything else but him. "Thank you Loki, I'm sorry to have woken you up. I knew this was going to happen after today's, well now yesterday's events. I was hoping the room was going to be sound proofed, evidently it's not. I'll ask Tony if there's anything that can be done about it." I'm standing there twisting my hands waiting for him to respond. Maybe he's teleported back to his own room, not caring now that the screaming has stopped. He could go back and sleep in peace. I looked up to see if he was still here only to be wrapped in his arms...he's hugging me? I'm not sure that I'm truely awake. He chuckles, shit, my blockade must have dropped. I quickly rebuild them as I'm lifted into his arms and carried back to bed. He tucks me under the blankets and picks up his - now my - book of Asgardian poems. He starts reading them aloud to me as I slowly drift into a deep, peaceful sleep surrounded by the feeling of security.

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